Nigerian brothers in whiteface, reproductive rights for transgenders… and Yucca. – IOTW Report

Nigerian brothers in whiteface, reproductive rights for transgenders… and Yucca.

PJM: The countdown to the new year has begun and that means “end of the year” lists from writers either too stupid or too bored to come up with something original.

I’ll let you guess which one I am.

Grabien has chosen to tickle the funny bone with this hilarious list of the 25 funniest news clips of the year. Here’s the link to the page. Time and space do not permit posting all of them. Or maybe I’m just too bored.

Jussie Smollett 

Smollett rates two entries on this list. First, his brain-dead attorney says the Nigerian brothers who carried out the attack at Smollett’s request “wore whiteface.” more

4 Comments on Nigerian brothers in whiteface, reproductive rights for transgenders… and Yucca.

  1. These are sick people, who either believe the weird crap they say, or they say it for money. It’s still hars to believe we have allowed this cancer to grow and waited this long to fire doctors bush, boehner, flake, corker, etc.


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