NIH Warned Vaccine-Injured Mom Not To Vaccinate Her Children In March – IOTW Report

NIH Warned Vaccine-Injured Mom Not To Vaccinate Her Children In March

CD Media: Episode 19 – American Conversations With Vaccine Injured – Interview With Kristi Dobbs

Host Christine Dolan speaks with vaccine-injured Kristi Dobbs about her examination by NIH in March of this year and how they warned her NOT TO VACCINATE HER CHILDREN. “I am doing this because I want to protect children…”, declared Dobbs.

Dobbs was examined by the NIH in March of this year, including blood work. She was never given results of her tests. However, she was warned and has documentation that doctors at the NIH told her not to vaccinate her children. more

2 Comments on NIH Warned Vaccine-Injured Mom Not To Vaccinate Her Children In March

  1. I do feel very sorry for people who thought they could trust the medical industry, but any time an industry spends the amounts of money they do to protect themselves through legislation, etc., you should know better.

    We don’t know the roots of many of the spectacular rises in other medical “syndromes” like the whopping problem with food alergies, specifically nut alergies in kids, or the amazing rise in cancers and other hard-to-treat health problems. How has medicine compromised our immune systems through other vaccines and medicines?


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