Nike Laid Off 1.4K American Workers Last Year, Outsourced NY Factory to Honduras – IOTW Report

Nike Laid Off 1.4K American Workers Last Year, Outsourced NY Factory to Honduras

Just Do It! … Over there


The multinational Nike corporation has a long history of outsourcing jobs, manufacturing, and production to the lowest wage foreign countries around the world, including China, Vietnam, and Honduras.

Last year, alone, Nike laid off about 1,400 American workers in its headquarters town of Beaverton, Oregon.

Phil Gold, who had worked for Nike for 15 years, told Oregon Live at the time of the layoffs that the corporation had no regard for the job that workers were doing and that the layoffs were all about executives cutting costs.

“They definitely targeted tenured, experienced employees as a money-saving thing with very little regard for how the work is going to get done. It wasn’t about performance,” Gold said.

Multinational corporations, like Nike, often lay off older employees to send their jobs — especially those in IT jobs as Gold was — overseas to low wage countries like India and Thailand to cut costs and drive up profit margins. Meanwhile, American workers are left behind trying to find work in industries that have been largely outsourced thanks to free trade and tiny trade barriers.

In 2015, a screen printing factory in Clarence, New York used by Nike to make T-shirts that once employed nearly 170 Americans announced it was closing up shop and sending the jobs to low wage Honduras. The average minimum wage worker in Honduras earns less than $8,000 a year.  READ MORE

6 Comments on Nike Laid Off 1.4K American Workers Last Year, Outsourced NY Factory to Honduras

  1. This Phil Gold guy maybe one of Portland’s 1 million or so liberals. Now globalism has kicked him in the nuts, watch him blame it on capitalism.

    Yeah, tariffs are needed. I don’t care if it leads to a trade war. I don’t care if it comes to a shooting war. The global-phonies made this happen, they can sit in it.

  2. I did some contract work for the Gildan garment company in Honduras.
    Dangerous country.
    I was told not to leave the hotel.
    Nike opened Pandora’s Box.
    They wanted attention…the got it.

    The NFL starts tomorrow.
    Can you imagine having a company that people hate?
    Not indifference, HATE.

    Nike: Oooh, I want some of THAT!

  3. @Tim Buktu September 5, 2018 at 11:23 pm

    > This Phil Gold guy maybe one of Portland’s 1 million or so liberals. Now globalism has kicked him in the nuts, watch him blame it on capitalism.

    I admit to lacking the minimum requirement of “admiration” for “capitalism’s” new god’s of the new, and improved, universe. But you’re right about the response from all but the lowest of the first world’s lowly peasants. (The lowest of the peasants are forced by their professional betters to take any job, absolutely any, that they can get. For however long it, happens, to last. There’s not much egotism there.) You’d think that a pool of smart (according to them, “really smart”), experienced (according to them, “really experienced”), superior (pfft, should go without saying) people, who now have a minimum over bid for service of greater than zero (any actual thing above zero), could drop into an “underground” where their simply being who they are would make them, all, one eyed princes. But that wouldn’t make them resplendent in the eyes (plural) of their non-racist, patriarchy smashing, communalist neighbors. So, f’um.


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