Nikki Haley demands robust American censorship and surveillance regime – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley demands robust American censorship and surveillance regime

The WEF queen: anti-human Nikki Haley demands robust American censorship and surveillance regime.

During the Covid hysteria era, Team Haley demanded booster passes for entry into her events.

The Dossier:
On Tuesday, Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley went on television and declared that it was absolutely necessary to deanonymyze the internet, justifying the idea as a “national security” prerogative.

“Every person on social media should be verified by their name” because of “national security,” she said on a Fox News voter panel.

According to Haley, it’s still not enough to make it illegal to be online and commit the act of speaking freely without publicly doxxing yourself. No, Haley took it a step further, demanding that surveillance tools are used to monitor and identify anyone using the internet. more here

26 Comments on Nikki Haley demands robust American censorship and surveillance regime

  1. “Nikki”, is a fucking idiot.
    The Cato Institute, named after the nom de plume of political writers during the 18th century.
    Franklin, Hamilton, many others, just not gonna research it, these are off the top of my head.
    Nikki, you stinking street shitter, learn some AMERICAN history.
    Nom de plumes, as American as the First Amendment.

  2. “Every person on social media should be verified by their name” because of “national security,” she said on a Fox News voter panel.

    The largest “natinal security” issue we have is our own government. We need to be able to watch them closer and see everything they do. How many fake accounts was it that Biden had? We’re not the problem, our government is.

  3. Before the days of computers and screen names there were pen names.
    They go back as far as our history.
    Ben Franklin used many, including Patience Dogood.
    Samuel Clemens used Mark Twain.
    Plus many more people in history.
    Nimarata Nikki Randhawa would have probably been trying to get them to register with the govt back then.
    Who is Nimarata Nikki Randhawa?
    Yup, Nikki Haley


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