Nikki Haley? LOL! I don’t think so – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley? LOL! I don’t think so

Patriot Retort: The GOP “consultant” class is once again hard at work totally misreading the Republican base. This time claiming Nikki Haley has the 2024 GOP nomination in the bag.

I saw the tweet for the article at The Hill yesterday, and I couldn’t stop laughing.

30 Comments on Nikki Haley? LOL! I don’t think so

  1. “The GOP “consultant” class is once again hard at work totally misreading the Republican base.”

    Look, they’re not misreading the Republitard base. They know exactly what the base wants. Their job is to steer the herd in the direction their masters want, not provide a candidate that represents what the base wants. As one of our betters put it, our will needs to be broken.

  2. The bastards (s)elect her and the democrats won’t have to steal the election. It could be the first fair election in decades. Plus I just read last week that Linda Graham was introducing her to donors and they wanted no part of her.


    The RNC doesn’t get it. Nikki Haley? She’s about about as exciting as a can of Campbell’s Cream of Potato soup. But that’s of minimal importance. SHE’s A RINO FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD. RINOs HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT MAKING ANYTHING GREAT EXCEPT THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS.


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