Nikki Haley tells us to shut the hell up! – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley tells us to shut the hell up!

You wonder why I support Trump? F.U. that’s why!

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26 Comments on Nikki Haley tells us to shut the hell up!

  1. So frustrating when somebody seems to get it, then shows that she doesn’t get it. It’s about the Constitution. It’s about the Bill of Rights. And it’s about listening to what people like Trump, Cruz, etc. actually say, rather than the intentionally distorted version shown by the press.

  2. Let us not forget she’s the same goofy bitch that started the war on the STARS AND BARS! And now we have rabid knee grows and self loathing liberal white scum wanting to rewrite American history!

  3. The last data on SC has Trump +11 according the RCP average — based on two recent polls (CBS News & Augusta Chronicle).

    The more interesting number is Trump +16 in the national RCP average (based on 6 separate polls).

    Both numbers are from 12/17 though — so there’s no doubt been a change.

  4. Would that be the Ronald Reagan (Hannity genuflects every time his name is mentioned) that signed amnesty, gun control, tax hikes, and deficit spending into law?

    This has been a long time coming, lets get it over with.

  5. Great job, Nikki. Just like Kevin McCarthy, you are now being used in Dem campaign taking points. Don’t be surprised when your face appears on the TV sreen after “This ad approved by the Democratic National Committee”.

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