Nikki Haley, the Establishment’s Last Hope – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley, the Establishment’s Last Hope

American Greatness:

Chris Christie’s seismic exit from the Republican primary has reshuffled the race into a one-versus-one contest. Donald Trump’s dominance remains intact, state after state, with the notable exception of New Hampshire. Christie’s decision to drop out was obviously calculated to give a boost to Nikki Haley, the late establishment favorite, who has experienced a recent surge in that state. Anti-Trump Republicans are savoring a last opportunity to be rid of Trump, but they would be wise to temper their expectations. I defer to the last eight years of history and the ongoing and desperate efforts of Trump’s antagonists, who have done everything, short of putting a bullet in his head, to take him out of contention.

The once great hope of the Republican old guard, Ron DeSantis, is facing a humiliating defeat in Iowa; his debate with Haley on Wednesday night was a formal exercise that will not change the trajectory of his disastrous campaign.

Wednesday night’s debate was preceded by a bit of drama after Christie was caught sharing his earnest assessment of Haley’s abilities. “Birdbrain,” as Trump calls her, removed all doubt of that apposite title by reminding viewers to log on to her “fact-checking” website once every five minutes. DeSantis had an easy job: all he had to do was show the audience that Haley is a corporate sellout with liberal views on all the things conservatives care about. This was not a tall order, given Haley’s record, but Haley had a sharp comeback: isn’t it true, Ron, that all of those big donors were backing you before they realized how boring and off-putting you are? more

SNIP: Why doesn’t anyone ask Nikki why she really left Boeing?

21 Comments on Nikki Haley, the Establishment’s Last Hope

  1. Second place is a damn clown show. They look stupid because what DJT tells you, he believes it. When anybody tells you something it’s what their donors want you to hear. Haley’s got so money donors all of a sudden, she can’t keep her stories straight. And DeSantes wife needs to step in to save his butt. .
    I’m not voting for anymore disingenuous POSs. That’s what got us in this mess in the first place.

    There’s three politicians I trust right now. To a point anyway, DJT, RFKjr, and Tulsi Gabbard. They should form their own party.
    A fourth might be Rand Paul.

  2. Big money and no accountability for insiders The Party finds useful. This one stands out among the rest of them as all hat and no cattle. Brought nothing but influence and being as The Boeing Co was more interested in circumnavigating safety measures, and she checked the DEI boxes as well, there she was. This bing epitomizes everything wrong in government.

    Of course, The Party has winnowed the field down to her and DeSantis as their choice to take the reins from old Pedo Pete and Willie’s side piece.

    Beside that, she is a nasty piece of work.

  3. Headline wrong! She is their BEST hope! There are hundreds of “Bush Republicans” jockeying for chance to run against conservative! naming neocommie names: j Lankford,

  4. Regardless of her showing in New Hampshire, the media will depict her as “giving Trump a run for his money.” Horse dung.

    New Hampshire is full of never Trumpers. And it ain’t the state it used be, by fah. (Now, get in the cah. We gotta go fah to get outta heah!)

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    The caste system and relevant tribal power dynamics in human interaction fundamentally informs the mental topography of individuals who are raised in the region. This mental topography is not cast off at the moment the individual is exposed to other, non tribal and non caste formal cultures. In fact, it may be more tightly adhered to by those removed from the mother culture into another less restrictive, demanding or rewarding to the individual.

    Tribalism and the caste system explain adequately the rationale for the continuing practice of chattel human slavery throughout south Asia and the middle east, as well as numerous kinds of servitude less than chattel yet as binding in their own way.

    Individuals whose mental topography admits of the value of human slavery and formal distinctions of class or caste without resort or remit by or of those so affected are absolutely disqualified from leadership positions in developed western societies that wish to maintain egalitarian symbolic political systems.


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