Nine Reasons Why MTG Blows Neocon Dan Crenshaw Out of the Water – IOTW Report

Nine Reasons Why MTG Blows Neocon Dan Crenshaw Out of the Water


Dan Crenshaw and Marjorie Taylor Greene are nominally members of the same political party, but you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise. Practically from the moment MTG joined Congress a year and a half ago, the two have been in one of the most bitter and protracted Twitter feuds in memory. Crenshaw has labeled Taylor Greene a “performance artist” for her public positions, and last winter he said she was either a Democrat or an idiot for her position on using FEMA funds for anti-Covid efforts. Throughout the spring, the two went back and forth about Ukraine. Now, they’re battling over the latest National Defense Authorization Act.

And yet, an analysis of the two Congressmembers and their records shows that there is hardly any comparison between the two. In her eighteen months in Congress, MTG has proven herself to be ten times the Congressman that Crenshaw is. Here are nine reasons why.

1. MTG actually cares about what’s in our spending bills.

The most recent spat between Crenshaw and MTG was over the pending renewal of the National Defense Authorization Act.

MTG has done yeowomen’s work pointing out one problem after another with latest NDAA, which is stuffed with everything from frankenmeat to vax mandates to more cash for proxy forever wars. more here

14 Comments on Nine Reasons Why MTG Blows Neocon Dan Crenshaw Out of the Water

  1. It’s why they are attacking her so hard, RINOs as well as Dems.
    Crenshaw seemed like a great guy – and who wouldn’t like a SEAL who gave his eye for our country? I sure wish I could understand why he changed.

  2. Left Coast Dan
    “RINOs as well as Dems.”
    Isn’t that redundant?
    More like Dems and Demlites or Demwits.
    Those who believe our money is theirs.
    Laugh at the constitution.
    Laws don’t apply to criminals.

  3. Those that want you to believe, that more gun control would reduce crime.
    Let’s survey the people at Greenwood Park Mall how they feel. I bet there are some converts.

  4. Lefty Danny is a “Bush Republican” A true Amercian got Fox mad at him 20 years ago when he said what SHOULD HAVE BEEN OBVIOUS – BUT WAS NOT! Bush Republicans are Democrats.

    Can you name him?
    Died almost 2 years ago.

  5. Danny and Meg do nothing but call names and show their lack of self awareness constantly. McCain is dumb. Seeing Crenshaw’s posts gives me the feeling he gets off on war.

    Side note: The Black Rifle bags on JP Sears’ desk on his videos bugs me too.


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