h/t Brad
GP: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld California’s ban on large-capacity magazines.
The en banc panel of the Ninth Circuit Court (a decision from the court’s entire slate of judges) sided with California’s radical Marxist Attorney General Rob Bonta.
In 2023, a federal judge struck down California’s ban on high-capacity gun magazines.
US District Judge Roger Benitez, a George W. Bush appointee, in his ruling said, “there is no American tradition of limiting ammunition capacity.” The judge said detachable magazines “solved a problem with historic firearms: running out of ammunition and having to slowly reload a gun.” MORE
Oregon is trying to do similar.
They’ll all end up with the Supremes.
Everyone needs to watch this judge. He’s a patriot. In this video you will also see the fucking retarded social misfits trying to determine how many rounds I should be allowed to carry in my mag. NOBODY in NorCal bows to these retards. I’m the bitch in my marriage, lol. I do all the cooking. Half of our local Safeway has purchased one of my weapons. Got mobbed when I walked in there tonight because half of them are already carrying with “normal, as designed, mags”. They already had the right answer, they were just looking for me to agree. This morning I texted our sheriff who’s a good friend, as long as I’m supplying his important peeps with free 2K weapons, he replied there’s no fing way EDCS department is enforcing this bull shit. That dude owes me several get out of jail free cards. Wondering if they’ll show when I need them? I do like they guy. I just no longer trust law enforcement. I guess bottom line is when is a law no longer a law? When muther fuckers like myself ignore them. And we’re there.
Here’s the deal with federal judges that SCOTUS best figure out real damn quick.
Federal judges including SCOTUS have less power than a traffic judge. They exist on respect, they keep ignoring the Constitution like this and like all of these rogue judges fighting POTUS and the people will ignore them.
They are creating a constitutional crisis and obviously Roberts who is dirty is fine with that.
Roberts is compromised. No question. A very weak man. He needs to voluntarily step down before shit gets real. History will not be kind to him. And no he won’t step down. And he’s picked the wrong man to fight.
Rooftop Koreans can tell you why you need 30 round magazines.
Ninth Circuit needs to point out the specific article of the Constitution that justifies their position.
And yes, judges (and laws and civilization in general) exist because of the respect of the peeps (see what’s happening in Turkey, for instance) and when the peeps recognize them as imbecilic dangerous paper mache stooges, their reign of terror is over – then the fighting begins.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
It’s judges and decisions like this that cause vigilanteism.
9th cervix: that’s because ur useless commie-****** assholes
have the bodyguard’s of all these important people switched to the low capacity magazines?
And yet there will still be no shortage of thugs of color in CA carrying full auto firearms with large capacity mags. All democrat gun laws are about putting normies, especially white ones, in a completely powerless position, utterly dependent on the state for “protection”.
@ 0937: lawyer assholes want their ******-clients to be safe from the law-abiding
if the head robe-chimp-roberts doan fix it real soon with the lower-cote robe-chimps – things will be fixed by american citizens