NJ Dem. Gov. Recall Petition Approved, Hundreds Mobilized to Get Signatures – IOTW Report

NJ Dem. Gov. Recall Petition Approved, Hundreds Mobilized to Get Signatures

WFB: A petition to recall Gov. Phil Murphy (D.) was approved by the New Jersey Division of Elections after months of delays, and organizers are now mobilizing to collect enough signatures for a recall election to remove him over what they say are his misguided and radical policies.

Somerset County resident Terry Beck, one of three women behind the grassroots effort, told the Washington Free Beacon she has hundreds of people with whom she is coordinating, including in law enforcement and veterans, who disapprove of Murphy’s performance and policies, especially on immigration.

“The driving factor to challenge Mr. Murphy—not even on just a state level but on a federal level as well—was when he decided that he would put New Jersey tax-paying citizens (doing the right thing) at risk by ‘enabling’ criminals/illegals to enter and exist on ‘our’ American property while breaking the federal law and we would be forced to pay for their free ride while stripping all levels of law enforcement duties to protect us,” said Beck.

Murphy declaring New Jersey a sanctuary state was the impetus, but other contributing factors to the effort include Murphy’s gun laws and what the group believes is his disrespect for veterans.

Murphy declared that New Jersey would be a “sanctuary” state last November. His attorney general issued new guidelines to law enforcement when dealing with illegal immigrants, effectively banning officers from cooperating with ICE. The attorney general’s directive also states officers cannot ask about immigration status unless it involves a serious offense.  more here

6 Comments on NJ Dem. Gov. Recall Petition Approved, Hundreds Mobilized to Get Signatures

  1. I find it hard to think of NJ as a State of the United States when I look at their laws and regulations and compare them to the Constitution.

    Hopefully, this indicates a change in direction for them. I hope it does and wish them well in their effort.

  2. “The attorney general’s directive also states officers cannot ask about immigration status unless it involves a serious offense.”

    if someone is in this country illegally, they are not an immigrant, and they are committing a ‘serious offense.’


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