NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccine this week after state officials miss deadline – IOTW Report

NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccine this week after state officials miss deadline

FOX- New Jersey nursing home residents won’t be getting vaccinated Monday — because state officials missed the deadline.

“In order to start on the 21st there was a deadline of the 7th … we missed that date by a day,” Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli admitted at a press conference Friday.

“We asked to start on the 21st and they said, ‘No, you’ll start on the 28th.’ It was as simple as that,” Persichilli said.

She blamed the “sheer volume of information that had to be inputted” for the more than 600 long-term care facilities, skilled nursing homes and assisted living facilities for the missed deadline. more

9 Comments on NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccine this week after state officials miss deadline

  1. They keep talking about their mandatory vaccination card and eventual passport but then I remember fhis is the incompetent federal and state government so good luck administering that competently.

  2. NJ pols and bureaucrats say:

    To all the families of nursing home residents we killed by deliberately infecting them: FUCK YOU.

    And to all of the nursing home residents who, not for lack of our trying, are still alive: FUCK YOU TOO.

  3. We get to vote for people who are financed by others. So if some fool finances an idiot, that name gets on the ballot. If enough money is given to some other idiot, that will put 2 idiots on the ballot. So which idiot, AOC#1 or AOC#2 should we pick?? Anyone have a fix??

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