NJ to Become the 8th Assisted Suicide State – IOTW Report

NJ to Become the 8th Assisted Suicide State

WFB: New Jersey is on the verge of becoming the eighth state to allow doctors to give lethal medications to sick patients.

On Monday, both houses of the Democrat-controlled legislature approved bills to legalize physician-assisted suicide. The Assembly voted 41-33, while the state Senate voted 21-16 to approve the legislation, which grants doctors immunity for prescribing lethal doses of medication to patients who have received terminal diagnoses.

Assisted suicide advocates celebrated the vote, as well as Democratic governor Phil Murphy’s pledge to sign the bill into law. Murphy said in a statement following the vote that the bill would “make us a more dignified and empathetic state.” Compassion & Choices, which has spearheaded campaigns to legalize the practice in statehouses across the country, said the law would provide comfort to terminally ill patients.

“His quick statement brought immediate peace of mind and tears of relief to the terminally ill residents in New Jersey who now know this peaceful option is imminent,” CEO Kim Callinan said in a release.

Dr. T. Brian Callister, the governor-elect of Nevada’s American College of Physicians, criticized the bill, saying that policymakers owe it to patients to consider the effects of approving suicide as a legitimate care option. The anecdotes of suffering trotted out by supporters, tragic as they are, should not be used “to mandate a flawed policy for all citizens,” according to Callister. He has spoken openly in the past about his experiences dealing with insurers that pushed him to talk up assisted suicide with patients because they did not want to cover the costs of treating them. He fears that this practice may soon begin in New Jersey if the bill is signed into law.

“They do not understand that what they consider to be a ‘right to die’ will devolve into a ‘duty to die’ for the most vulnerable in our society—the elderly, the disabled, and the under-insured,” Callister told the Washington Free BeaconMORE

20 Comments on NJ to Become the 8th Assisted Suicide State

  1. I have come to understand 2 things about socialists.

    1) They hate God and therefor life and people
    2) They view all money as property of government
    viewed together this makes killing the elderly not only a positive in their view but a necessity. As the governor of Colorado in 1984 said

    “You’ve got a duty to die and get out of the way, Let the other society, our kids, build a reasonable life.”


  2. Physician-assisted death or “aid in dying” is legal in eight jurisdictions: California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington According to Wikipedia
    This is so wrong! The real Nazis!

  3. Doesn’t this fly in the face of the Hippocratic oath? What doctor would want to be…………. Oh shiite! never mind…
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. “They do not understand that what they consider to be a ‘right to die’ will devolve into a ‘duty to die’ for the most vulnerable in our society—”

    Under socialized medicine,yes.
    But I own my life, if nothing else. Fuck you for telling me I hafta suffer for weeks or months. Seriously, fuck you people. You’re lack of compassion make you horrible. You, YOU, want to control lives if you think this is wrong for a person to make their own decision that has ZERO effect on you.

  5. Hey if it helps old liberals shuffle off the mortal coil faster then who am I to object? Couple this death worship with their non-revocable support in aborting millions of future Demonrats and the continual murder of the inner city and it’s a wonder there will be any liberals left.

    Guess they realize this and thus the open boarders support. All current Americans (especially whites) must die and be replaced by third world imports.

    The irony is that these evil satanic bastards who regard themselves as our intellectual superiors are fully controlled by a handful of all white liberal billionaire oligarchs, talk about stupid…

  6. Well, to tell a fact, if I was condemned to live in New Joisey, California, Colorado, DC, Hawaii, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington, I’d probably want to off myself, too.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Dan, no one is controlling you. If you want to die, do it. Don’t whine about it, don’t be a victim, just do it. Don’t involve a doctor or tax dollars. Get a gun, a knife, a piece of glass. Have at it.


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