NJ Town Residents Must Be Ready to Leave ASAP As EPA Cleans Up Mystery Chemical Barrels – IOTW Report

NJ Town Residents Must Be Ready to Leave ASAP As EPA Cleans Up Mystery Chemical Barrels

4NY: A toxic cleanup in a New Jersey community could be a ticking timebomb, and may force families to leave their homes. Schools and homeowners in one part of Monmouth County are being told to be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice, as crews with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are intensely working at a former industrial plant.

More specifically, they want to know what’s in a collection of barrels at a site in Farmingdale near the border with Howell.

The plant has long been shut down, but the barrels stuck around. Now it’s not clear how safe it is to move them. more here

13 Comments on NJ Town Residents Must Be Ready to Leave ASAP As EPA Cleans Up Mystery Chemical Barrels

  1. While there are no guarantees, there some definite advantages in living in an area that has always been rural. I think I’m in one, but who knows what the hell some farmer has done.

  2. They made a moive out of this in the 80’s. They will spill some of it and start an undead uprising/and or Antifa riot (same amount of IQ after all). Actually, I have to give the smarts to the undead because they have a plan (to eat brains) whereas Antifa don’t realize they are the Nazis they are looking to fight.

    It ends with the army nuking the town but since we are talking NJ that’s an improvement- yes?

  3. You ain’t smelled stink until you’ve experienced the air on a damp August morning around sunrise in N. Jersey. Kind of a cross between raw sewage and a chemical factory. Erf Day.

  4. Nastiest place I’ve ever driven through, smell-wise. And that’s with the windows up and the A/C on recirc. I would sooner lick a skunk’s ass than make that drive again. Why do you think the people of New Jersey turn out the way they do?

  5. I was born in New Jersey, and I’m happy to say my parents left NJ right after I was born. There was a hurricane going on the day I was born in NJ, I suppose it molded my personality. I live rural and there’s no chemical plants within 150 miles of my house. Got lots of other hazards though – 2 legged ones.

  6. I lived for a short time, in Audubon and Lindenwold.The only reason I would ever willingly set foot in NJ again, would be to visit a family that we’ve remained friends with.


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