NM Gov Tells Sheriffs To Enforce Red Flag Law Or Resign – IOTW Report

NM Gov Tells Sheriffs To Enforce Red Flag Law Or Resign

Bearing Arms: Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed red flag legislation into law on Tuesday, and told sheriffs who oppose the law that they should resign if they won’t enforce any gun seizure orders. The vast majority of the state’s sheriffs spoke out in opposition to the legislation before it was narrowly approved by the state legislature, and the head of the state sheriffs association rejected Grisham’s call to resign after her remarks during the signing ceremony.

New Mexico Sheriffs’ Association President Tony Mace of Cibola County said the new law goes too far by potentially impounding guns before any crime is committed and that he and other sheriffs will assert their discretion over its enforcement.

“We don’t work for the governor, we don’t work for the Legislature,” he said. “We work for the people that elected us into office.”

Sheriff Mace has told Bearing Arms that he’s willing to face contempt charges before he’ll seize anyone’s firearms under a red flag order, and he and other sheriffs have vowed to challenge the law in court as well.

Gun control activists in the state, meanwhile, say they plan on launching a public awareness campaign to let residents know how easy it is to file a red flag petition.

The gun-control advocacy group Moms Demand Action is planning a yearslong campaign to publicize the law and outline how people can petition law enforcement for extreme risk protection orders, said Emelie DeAngelis, a state chapter leader.

She said her group is emphasizing that district attorneys can seek red-flag orders from judges in areas where sheriffs may show reluctance.

“We were really adamant that particularly with our sheriffs’ situation — a lot of them saying that they don’t want to enforce this — that the DAs had to stay in” the law, she said.

District Attorneys may be able to petition the courts, but it’s still going to be up to the sheriffs to serve the orders and confiscate firearms. Eventually gun control advocates are going to have to accept that the law enforcement tasked with applying the law are almost uniformly opposed to the law being on the books in the first place. more

35 Comments on NM Gov Tells Sheriffs To Enforce Red Flag Law Or Resign

  1. NM Gov Tells Sheriffs To Enforce Red Flag Law Or Resign

    February 27, 2020 MJA Uncategorized 0

    Bearing Arms: Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed red flag legislation into law on Tuesday, and told sheriffs who oppose the law that they should resign if they won’t enforce any gun seizure orders. The vast majority of the state’s sheriffs spoke out in opposition to the legislation before it was narrowly approved by the state legislature, and the head of the state sheriffs association rejected Grisham’s call to resign after her remarks during the signing ceremony.

    New Mexico Sheriffs’ Association President Tony Mace of Cibola County said the new law goes too far by potentially impounding guns before any crime is committed and that he and other sheriffs will assert their discretion over its enforcement.

    “We don’t work for the governor, we don’t work for the Legislature,” he said. “We work for the people that elected us into office.”

    Sheriff Mace has told Bearing Arms that he’s willing to face contempt charges before he’ll seize anyone’s firearms under a red flag order, and he and other sheriffs have vowed to challenge the law in court as well.

    “Gun control activists in the state, meanwhile, say they plan on launching a public awareness campaign to let residents know how easy it is to file a red flag petition.”

    And they wonder why so many people are against such laws.

  2. My Suggestion: The guv. ought to read the second amendment.What does shall not be infringed mean to you? Find out as fast as you can, The Constitution does not limit citizen’s rights, it limits tyrannical government.

  3. mrhanoverfist has it right … anybody that ‘red-flags’ should be red-flagged themselves … often

    put their little wimp-asses through the Hell they want for everyone else … beat ’em w/ their own stick

  4. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt

  5. @the dirtball February 27, 2020 at 7:31 pm

    > Burn the commie witch…. Burn her….

    Now, Mr. @dirtball! We don’t know that xhe’s a witch. Perhaps, xhe’s merely a communist duck. Before we commence to burning… perhaps we should see if she floats? In a lake. In Pokistahn. Then we can burn her. If the locals haven’t taken care of xer odious ways. Themselves. (Filthy, Mohammedan reprobates.)

  6. Idea – what would happen if all opposed to the law ‘red-flagged’ the governor and all the legislators who voted in favor? Just flood the system with legitimate complaints since they are obviously mentally unstable and a danger to others. Overload the system. Fight fire with fire.

  7. The Sheriffs have more power in their county then the Mayor’s of all the cities. They are the highest elected person in the county.Let the Gov go out and try to arrest them.

  8. Why are leftist women so afraid of guns? As long as you’re on the right end of it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

    But, again, leftists are afraid of everything that supports freedom, such as free speech, freedom of religion, and etc, etc.

    But they adore murdering goons like Stalin, Mao, etc. I’m surprised they claim they don’t like Hitler. He believed in Darwinism and euthanasia, and he really did despise Christianity. What’s not to like, liberals?

  9. Taos is commie land? I’ve only been there to ski. That’s all I was thinking, “hey, we can get us another ski area in muh state”.

    So…… the whole state is fugged? I thought we were gonna’ do a West Virginia deal and offer selected counties in regular Virginia a new home….. but for New Mesiko….


    The whole state is fugged? Really?

  10. ….how easy it is to file a red flag petition.
    Sounds like a winner.
    Now do some intel, gather names of Gun Control Leftist Libtards……and file red flag petitions against them. Repeatedly.

    As for The Governator, she doesn’t like that the elected county sheriff won’t obey her diktats, let HER resign. Or possibly have the Sheriffs march on the capital building, and frog march her out and force her to resign.

  11. Could this be the plan? File hundreds of red flag complaints in every county. Enough the sheriffs can’t keep up to determine which ones to ignore, and which might be serious nutjobs that just had their psychotic meds changed, and need to be checked on.

    After help from the useful idiots filing complaints the powers behind the anti-gunners supply a few of the drugged up nutjobs with firearms, after some counseling to push them over the edge. They shoot up some gun free zone killing and wounding many people. Then blame the sheriffs for not enforcing the red flag laws by doing a firearms check at their homes. Drive them out of office. Replace them with anti-gun, anti-freedom sheriffs after public demand that something be done about the killing.

  12. Well hell, I don’t want New Mesiko anymore. It’s all full of ground up clam shells and ass.

    Still think Arizona should have a sea port though. Ain’t like Mesiko is doing anything with the sea of Cortes.

  13. Patriots who are busy trying to wake people about the dangers of tyranny must not forget to prepare themselves.

    The collapse isn’t some hypothetical theory. The collapse is happening right now.

    The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state. The elites committed fraud and received billion dollar bailouts. Americans only care about bread and circuses and the ruling class knows that they can get away with anything now. Anyone who has studied a little history can see that the globalists want the 99% dead.

    This is no joke.

    Americans must make multiple plans. Will the USA collapse due to an economic crash, an epidemic, terrorism, a natural disaster, or war?

    Americans can’t ignore planning.

    If you think you will just cross the border when the USA collapses, what will you do when the border is closed?

    What will you do when the government sets up checkpoints and closes off neighborhoods?

    What will you do the Internet shuts down or ATM machines don’t work?

    What will you do when the stock market falls by 75%, companies close, and the government begins bail-ins on bank accounts?

    What will you do when inflation is 1 million percent?

    You won’t be able to stock up when there are roving mobs of starving rioters.

    Buying a boat will be impossible when no one wants to sell one.

    Don’t underestimate your supplies. If you think that a month worth of food will be enough, why not keep a supply that will last a year?

    Be mobile or stock up.

    Keep multiple currencies on hand. Go to the store and buy guns, gold, canned
    food, water, and rice today.

    Pass the word.

  14. @TimBuktu February 27, 2020 at 9:17 pm

    > Why are leftist women so afraid of guns?

    Because they look like “things”! Evil, angry, “things”! “Things” that no lesbian feminist (a distinction without a difference), ever wants in the same world as xer “scented” candles.

  15. You know I had a dream about this problem last night? Nothing blew up….no tits…. kinda’ tame as dreams go.

    However, in the dream we all redrew the state borders so as to avoid a Civil Wah.

    I wonder if that would work?


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