No, 2.1 million haven’t enrolled in Obamacare plans – IOTW Report

No, 2.1 million haven’t enrolled in Obamacare plans

Washington Examiner

With President Obama’s health care law scheduled to begin in earnest when the new year kicks off, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius claimed on a Tuesday conference call that as of Dec. 28, “2.1 million people have enrolled in a private insurance plan” through the program.

Later in the call, Sebelius emphasized that enrollments wouldn’t be completed until individuals paid their first month’s premiums.

But HHS officials still won’t disclose how many of the 2.1 million they claim enrolled through the federal website or one of the state-based exchanges actually paid for coverage.

Though Sebelius left the call before the question-and-answer session, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services spokeswoman Julie Bataille declined several times to provide payment information.

“At this time we don’t have that detailed information,” Bataille said in response to one question. “What I can share with you in terms of the individuals who have paid their premiums that is something that consumers will do directly with their health plans. And as part of the outreach that we have been doing, we have reminded consumers that that is a step that they need to take to confirm enrollment and access their coverage.”

Later in the call, CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Bataille if she could at least say with confidence that a “very high percentage” of those 2.1 million had paid.

Instead of answering in the affirmative, Bataille said, “We are confident that those consumers have selected a plan and know what the next steps are for them in terms of securing coverage.”

The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that: “As of Monday, however, only about half of enrollees billed for plans offered by more than 100 insurers in 17 states had paid their first month’s premium, said Mark Waterstraat, chief strategy officer at Benaissance, a third-party billing firm that works for those insurers.”



6 Comments on No, 2.1 million haven’t enrolled in Obamacare plans

  1. Assuming they all paid in full like pajama boy at ultra high rates to sustain the elderly, 2.1 million is just over one-half of one-percent of the population. Not even target population in Chicago. wow – what an achievement.

  2. Yeah…PESKY little facts like
    somewhere around 2/3-to-3/4 (if not more) of the folks
    signing up are so poor they “qualify” for
    the Medicaid ($1/month = FREE) plan.

    Dems’ 2016 Campaign Slogan:
    “We’s Gots Mo’ Slaves On OUR Plantation Than DEY Do!”

  3. But, bro… you said it was “Free” right? You said everybody had the right to free doctors, right? You said “Go to the hospital and we’ll take care of the bill!”.. right?

    I signed up so give me the free stuff or I’ll cut you!

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