No Body Is Safe – IOTW Report

No Body Is Safe


19 Comments on No Body Is Safe

  1. The Pedo is not my leader.

    The Pedo is no leader at ALL.

    He’s a syphiliptic puppet at best.

    But do not call him a leader because he never was, isn’t now, and never will be…

  2. If there are aliens and supposedly advanced, they would be monitoring us and would know damn well what’s going on.
    They’re not going to touch us with a ten foot probe,(no matter how much Petey Buttgiggles would enjoy the experience).

  3. I’m thinking
    Joe did something like this to Hunter
    that makes him want to get back in a passive-aggressive way
    by losing laptops with compromising information

    a quote attributed to many people:
    “once is an event. twice is a coincidence. three times is enemy action”

  4. This reminds me that I miss the Weekly World News, the b&w tabloid that ran an ‘alien meets with politician’ story at least every other week. …which kept Jimmy Carter from selling us out to the Martians. Ha!

    Does anyone else remember that classic?

  5. I remember the Weekly World News well and so did my wife because I couldn’t stop laughing every time we went to the grocery store and got in the checkout lane. She was embarrassed that I laughed so hard at their totally ridiculous and outrageous headlines, I do miss it especially Bat Boy and all the aliens who were supposedly in charge of our govt.

  6. @Little Morphin; Annie

    I do remember it, and it kept me amused in the check-out line. That’s the one that featured Bat Boy, I think, and pictures of the Devil in the clouds.

    I think they once had a headline that said: Princess Di Impregnated by Martians.


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