No Deal! – IOTW Report

No Deal!

Breitbart: U.S. and Canadian officials have concluded the latest round of trade talks without reaching an agreement.

The U.S. is moving ahead with the trade agreement it reached with Mexico, according to the Trump administration. Talks with Canada are expected to resume next week.

“Today the President notified the Congress of his intent to sign a trade agreement with Mexico – and Canada, if it is willing – 90 days from now,” U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer  said.

“We know that a win-win-win agreement is within reach,” Canadian foreign minister Chrystia Freeland said in a press conference Friday. “The government of Canada will not sign an agreement unless it is good for Canadians.”

Freeland added that the U.S. team has been negotiating in “good faith and with good will,” contradicting reports that the U.S. was trying to strong-arm Canada into accepting an unfavorable trade agreement. read more

8 Comments on No Deal!

  1. The biggest problem with US-Canadian trade is the youth and lack of experience of Justin T.
    He will allow the country to experience economic decline under his leadership. or the complete lack of it!

  2. Paging MJA.

    Check this out.

    Union Mine High School home coming game was shut down last night due to the threat of Gun Violence. Several parents that have kids that attend that school are saying our little Libtard is the one that was texting the threats.

    Liberalism is a disease.

    PS, be sure and read the comments on her GoFund me page.

  3. Cystia & Trudy can get on the bus or get left behind – politics have nothing to do with the consequences.
    Hmmm, port of Houston exporting more oil than importing – one less reason to keep propping up failing marxist countries, shitholes or otherwise.


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