No, Democrats and the Media, We Are Not Taking Your Word for It This Election – IOTW Report

No, Democrats and the Media, We Are Not Taking Your Word for It This Election


We are in the midst of a flaming dumpster fire of an election. Deep blue areas like Fulton County in Georgia, Philadelphia, and Detroit, along with states like Arizona and Nevada, are a national embarrassment. Scratch that, an international embarrassment. Somehow, Florida, one of the largest and most contested states, reported its results on election night. There are some governors, including my own, who should be asking for Florida’s blueprint.

President Trump has assembled a team to challenge some of the more blatant irregularities. This has Democrats and their media activists demanding he just takes the L if initial counts come through for Joe Biden. They insist on this despite the prima facia shadiness observed by the entire country. As Kyle Mann, editor-in-chief of the Babylon Bee, put it:

Kyle Mann@The_Kyle_Mann
I’m not sure if there was widespread fraud. But I don’t know how they could have made it look any more suspicious if they were trying to

.4:18 PM · Nov 5, 2020

This is especially true if you have lived through the last four years as a Republican or a Trump supporter. Our skepticism detectors may be in overdrive, but we have been subjected to an information warfare campaign since the summer of 2016. read more

15 Comments on No, Democrats and the Media, We Are Not Taking Your Word for It This Election

  1. The democrats did a ballot harvesting dry run in Orange County CA and completely got away with it. It should have been challenged on the national level and sent to the Supreme Court. By not challenging it, the ballot harvesting going on now is seen more as a gray area. Way to go GOP.

  2. Anybody with links or email to non-social media-based antifra(ud) groups, please post here and elsewhere. Groups starting up on social media are getting shit-canned instantly, as is to be expected.

    They cannot do this to us right in our faces and expect us to accept it meekly and peacefully.

  3. Nothing can be done to change the ballot count numbers of the already counted ballots even if fraud or other illegalities in the process were proven. There is no way to prove which ballot is valid and which is not.

    And there is not enough time to do anything about it before everything is over and completed.

    There is no remedy available, so it is futile effort to pursue it other than hoping it will somehow prevent the same happening in future elections.

  4. I really hope that the ingrates blew up the entire shitshow via their stupid greed here. Make the elections a joke, lose your generous fellow citizens who won’t play no more.
    They can have Buyden and Camel and the government can go broke and all their freebies go to hell.
    Guess what, obama won’t be paying for your phone, your free housing, and your pork rinds. Don’t pay off your student loans and, for life, NEVER be employed.

    More than I have for 20 years, I would rejoice if the heads of media LIARS start blowing up like porch pumpkins after Halloween.

  5. We’re not taking their word for it? Well that will surely turn the tide.

    Biden is going to declare himself the winner and it will probably be today. To many in the nation it will be obvious, he surpassed the amount of EC votes needed to win the presidency so he’s our next president. Biden will tug at their heartstrings as he makes the case for unity while promising that everyone will get a pony. His minions will lap it up.

    The media will jump in spinning their webs as they have been. Completely ignoring the shit storm going on while promoting all the wonderful things that the Biden/Harris team will enact. Breathlessly reporting the cabinet that they are putting together, their plans for the first 90 days, etc.

    The GOP will sit on their hands because the majority of them are just as corrupt as the Democrats. They’ve got their nests fully feathered and they are not even remotely interested in upsetting all that let alone sticking their necks out such that they may get caught up in something that would be detrimental to them. Best to just go along in hopes that the status quo will be maintained.

    Trump will continue the fight but the FBI, CIA, NSA, the entire intelligence community swamp will be knifing him in the back at every opportunity. They’ve got their own nests to protect.

    While all this is going on, we’ll be bloviating about doing this and doing that, but when the rubber hits the road, we’ll do nothing. Where in the hell would we even start? This is a big country and the political class has got themselves well protected.

    I’m certainly open to hearing other versions of how this will play out but if ever there was a time to learn to speak Mandarin this is it.

    I hope I’m wrong.

  6. Thirdtwin…

    Don’t like hearing things you don’t want to hear, eh?

    Especially if they’re true and you can’t address them to show otherwise.

    That’s the attitude that so many on the right now have, and the one that is very likely to mean Trump will no longer be President come January 20th.

    I don’t like it either, but that is what is realistic and there’s nothing to be done about it that i can think of.

  7. “The GOP will sit on their hands because the majority of them are just as corrupt as the Democrats.”

    IMO, FWIW, most of the GOP will be relieved with Trump gone and the Democrats back in control.

    Not all of them, and maybe not openly, but most of them nonetheless.

  8. @andoneinthechamber…Now they’re called bootlick simp quislings. I’d rather read how elverna discovered the one neat trick and makes $1,000 a day by doing an hour’s work on the internet and now I can too.

  9. They don’t care if everyone knows they cheated.
    They just don’t care.
    They are flaunting the fact that the media and the election officials and liberal judges are helping them cheat.
    If they actually pull this off having the Senate and almost half of the House won’t matter.
    If they cheat so in your face do you really think they’ll go through the proper channels to implement their socialist dreams?
    They’ll issue so many unconstitutional executive orders and let bureaucrats write new laws and give more power to leftist judges our country will be over.

    I am still holding on to hope that God has this in hand.
    Trump and Pence have brought God back to the WH and the country’s public square and have been better to Israel than any other administration I still think He will honor it.
    The toughest part is feeling helpless.
    My poor husband is so ticked off he’s walking around the house yelling.


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