No, Donald Trump Didn’t “Blame” George Bush For 9-11 Attacks… – IOTW Report

No, Donald Trump Didn’t “Blame” George Bush For 9-11 Attacks…

TheLastRefuge: It does not go unnoticed that every media outlet trying to make a controversy of the Donald Trump remarks, during a Bloomberg TV interview with Stephanie Ruhle, does not present the initial question in their selected soundbite.


The question put to Donald Trump was how to show his softer side, his “soft hand”.  Additionally, the reference for the question was Dubya’s performance to comfort a nation after the 9-11 attack.

It was from that reference that Trump was responding and used the 9-11 reference and expanding by saying unpredictable things happen during a presidency.  See video:

17 Comments on No, Donald Trump Didn’t “Blame” George Bush For 9-11 Attacks…

  1. SURE he did!
    He’s trolling !Cheb! and nothing less.
    Not that that’s a bad thing…heh.

    The Conservative Treehouse sure does great research and analysis, but they’re heavy on the denial of ANY mistake/weakness Trump may have.

    Add to that the idolatry of sundance by too many of the posters (a la Erick Erickson at RedSlate…with sidekick “stella” threatening to ban folks left and right for arbitrary reasons) and you’re getting less ENTHUSIASTS and more FANATICS.

    I hope they can keep perspective.

  2. Trump is the only person willing to say he would deport all illegals. He is all
    We got.
    After 2016 25+ million illegals will vote. Republicans won’t need to they lose automatically.

  3. He has been outspoken previously about his opposition to the Iraq war. I don’t agree with that Twitter post. I think he went too far, but this isn’t news that he opposed the Iraq war. There are a lot of people who have 20/20 hindsight and a lack of real perspective who blame Bush for the clusterfug that Obama made of Iraq.

  4. Trump needs to get Jeb out of the race A.S.A.P. because Yeb, despite the polls, is the only threat to Trump because he has all the G.O.P. money behind him and the fix is in for Bush.

  5. At some point we are going to have to realize that everything Trump does (including the childish taunts and whining) is all about strategy. Here he is clearly cutting ties with the Bush family. Obama won twice blaming Bush for everything from the economy to foreign policy. The name is still toxic to many in the country and Republican = Bush. I refuse to vote for another Bush, I never thought he had a chance.
    To win Trump must dump Bush.

  6. I read that he has just cut staffers pay. Hopefully a sign of the beginning of the end. A lot of the money he thought he would receive ended up going to Rubio. Hopefully Yeb folds soon and then Trump need to go on the attack with Rubio.

  7. I don’t care what Trump says. I guess I’m a Trump fanatic. He’s so incredibly right on so much — I can take a little Jeb bashing and I don’t care about kelo at all because without a border, the whole country is going to illegals. Watch and see if it won’t. I’m sure obama and many rinos are just salivating over what merkel is doing to the good citizens of her country and just last week some jackass gov told the good citizens of his state that if they didn’t like muslim “immigrants” they could get the hell out of their own state! So, yeah, let’s all wring our hands over inconsequential BS and give the left and the rinos what they want, all in the name of being self-righteously correct. I’m totally sick of this shit. The one guy who has the guts to go on the national stage and point fingers at the assholes who got us where we are and some of us are only too willing to listen to them.

    How many times and in how many ways do we need to hear that this election coming up is pretty much the last stop before the wheels fall off the f*cking bus!

  8. It’s going to get down and dirty real soon and Trump is the only one that has been in the trenches of real deals on our side (Carly Rubio, will fold like a cheap suit, along with others) right now. As A country our only hope is for Trump to win out. To shut down the DNC- GOP cabal. And make America great again. Give em hell Trump.

  9. !Cheb! may be the donors’ first choice, but they’d gladly go with Rubio (as well as with Hillary/Biden) if they think !Cheb! doesn’t have a chance, even with their manipulations.

    After all, it’s all about doing their (e.g. open borders) bidding, anyway….

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