No End in Sight for Counter-Terror Military Deployments to Streets of Europe – IOTW Report

No End in Sight for Counter-Terror Military Deployments to Streets of Europe

Breitbart London: The deployment of thousands of troops to the streets of major European cities is to continue with no near end in sight, as the Belgian army admits their own homeland defence mission will run at least until 2020.


The missions which see tens of thousands of soldiers patrolling major tourist attractions, railway stations, schools, government buildings, and religious sites 24-hours a day in France and Belgium could become longer deployments than the Second World War, as there are no signs of the threat from radical Islamic terror abating.  more

15 Comments on No End in Sight for Counter-Terror Military Deployments to Streets of Europe

  1. Had Obamas Wishes Been Fulfilled and Hillary Had Been President, We’d Be In The Same Boat As Europe ! Yet Antifa Have Replaced Muslims, as Vile Individuals Needing Immediate Export ! Take it To Europe Bitches !!!

  2. Wow! Soldiers, who are supposed to kill foreign enemies of The State, stomping around homeland streets, like a third world, communist, dictatorsh… What? Oh… never mind.

  3. I have a friend who just returned from a visit to Paris. She was all excited about going with a tour group. She and her husband knew several people going with the group, and they were going to visit all the hot spots. I mentioned *once* that they will need to be careful to not go into any of the no-go zones. They scoffed at me and I dropped it. Figured I’d wait to see what they said when they returned.

    They returned just before I left MN and when we got together, her husband told me to not ask how the trip went. Then he said that they will never go back to Europe.

    I didn’t say, “I told you so” because I didn’t have to. Their sour demeanor told me everything.

  4. Belgium needs to start at her northern border and drive every one of those worthless bastards out of her country. Muslims are worthless, dangerous, deranged, inbred, illiterate, government dependent, and make no bones about taking over Europe one birth at a time.

  5. I wonder how much THAT is costing them?

    Aside from the welfare, and FBI monitoring services for each radical.

    Fight them the way the other factions fight them in their own countries. That’s the only way to fight a disease.

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