No Evidence Of Widespread Viewership At Fox News Last Week – IOTW Report

No Evidence Of Widespread Viewership At Fox News Last Week

Glorious American: By now you’ve heard the wild conspiracy theories coming out of Fox News.  The hysterical claims about how they racked up a healthy amount of viewers last week.  Embarrassing.  Hell, they probably also think Joe Biden received more votes than Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

While it might be painful for folks over at FNC, the truth is as follows:

There is NO evidence of widespread viewership at Fox News.  None.

Sure, Neil Cavuto claims that while he was on the phone with his Aunt, he overheard her watching Fox News Sunday.  But that’s not widespread proof.    more

21 Comments on No Evidence Of Widespread Viewership At Fox News Last Week

  1. Now if people would do the same for Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the alphabet it might make a difference. Then again, it looks like Fox is willing to dig in its heels and become CNN light.

  2. Different Tim
    NOVEMBER 20, 2020 AT 7:24 AM

    “Then again, it looks like Fox is willing to dig in its heels and become CNN light.”

    …Communism is never interested in profit, only in accruing power. They will throw good money after bad just to ensure no one ever hears a contradictory idea.

    Communism isn’t about money, it’s about power.

    After all if you have power, you can take anything you want from anyone you like and force everyone to do your will without paying them.

    If you have power, you don’t NEED money…

  3. I can not figure out why Tucker went after Sidney Powell.

    She has proven herself many times throughout her career.
    She has basically gotten Flynn cleared except for an illiterate & corrupt Judge.

    Tucker expects her to lay out evidence that she is still assembling and analyzing with a very very short deadline approaching.

    Get real & don’t be a distraction!

  4. I have not watched since election.
    But I did see many articles on what KCIR saw. Tucker has “turned his coat”! Greed !

    I thought better of him. My mistake!

  5. Biggest lie ever told: “There is no proof of widespread voter fraud.”

    For that reason alone Fox News is now dead to me. To say that is to give aid and comfort to the enemies of democracy and America.

    I fear that the only solution lies in the application of widespread figurative lethal doses of lead poisoning (other wiseknown as bullets to the head). Turn it off and go to OAN or Newsmax (Blaze TV just sucks because of you know who).

  6. …Fox is learning what all traitors learn, thought, which is that no man stands with a traitor, not even another traitor in a PARTY of traitors.

    The Democrats used Fox but won’t support it, they enjoy watching something they didn’t control that spoke the hated truth about them at times suffer and die.

    Too, if you could make someone betray once, you can certainly not trust them not to betray again, and it might be you next. Democrats know that at a visceral level because it’s their stock in trade. No one worries more about theft than a thief, and no one knows that you can’t trust a traitor better than a traitor. That’s why history is replete with traitors that were wadded up and thrown away by those who benefitted most from their treason, with one of the biggest recent examples being when Arlen Specter flipped parties to give them Obamacare, and they thanked him by first reneging on all the promises they made to him, then primaring him out at first opportunity.

    They USED you, Fox.

    Nothing more.

    Your love is unrequited.

    And they won’t be returning your phone calls…

    “Take care, young ladies, and value your wine

    Be watchful of young men in their velvet prime

    Deeply they’ll swallow from your finest kegs

    Then swiftly be gone, leaving bitter dregs

    Ahh-ah-ah-ah, bitter dregs

    With smiling words and tender touch

    Man offers little and asks for so much

    He loves in the breathless excitement of night

    Then leaves with your treasure in cold morning light

    Ahh-ah-ah-ah, in cold morning light”
    -Spock, “Maiden Wine”

    ..maybe this could be your new theme song, everything but the “Maiden” seems to fit, althogh they DID bust your “Treason” cherry and left you bloody and sweaty and possibly pregnant with a devil spawn, so maybe THAT tracks too…

  7. Sidney Powell must have scoredca direct hit in the news conference yesterday, because now FIX has even got Cucker Tarlson slagging her. All these facking journos demanding that she show all her evidence when they could find it themselves if they cared to look. You don’t like the accusations she’s making, Cucker? Contradict it with your own facts. She doesn’t owe you a damn thing, and you can wait to see what comes out in court like everybody else. Sad to see they got to you, but I guess those attacks on your home and family took their toll on your back one.

  8. Sidney told Tucker to do his own investigation.
    She couldn’t care less what he thinks of her.
    I imagine Laura(never really liked her) and Tucker got their ultimatum. Do what you’re told or lose the big paycheck.
    So for all their bloviating about how righteous they are they’re not any different than a burger flipper getting paid to do what the boss says.

  9. A couple days ago, Tucker spoke about viewer concerns in regards to him leaving Fox because of the extreme left turn the network has taken. Tucker reassured the viewers that he is going nowhere and the network has plans for expanding his show.

    Fox dangled a carrot for him and he took the bait. There would be a toll he would need to pay and we saw it last night.

  10. When the ratings drop, so does the revenue… They’ll be begging China for help!
    The question is will China be at all interested when they have all the others?
    Keep your eye on Mike Lindell to see where he goes.

  11. I’d like to see Sidney Powell and the rest of the Trump election defense team just tell the news networks straight up –

    We are placing private bets about how much farther you idiots at the networks will walk out on the “there is no evidence of voter fraud limb”. To see how far – we have to withhold evidence from you. Our purpose is to expose massive voter fraud, prove PDJT won this election, and as a fun side bonus, expose the idiots that work at news networks. It’s impossible to hide when you’re at the end of the limb.


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