No, Greenland is not approaching a melting ‘tipping point’ – IOTW Report

No, Greenland is not approaching a melting ‘tipping point’

CFACT: An article on the climate activist website Inside Climate News ( claims Greenland is perilously close to a tipping point that will destabilize the Greenland ice sheet and result in substantial ice melt and sea level rise. The ice sheet’s stability through much warmer temperatures that lasted several thousand years during early human civilization, however, strongly contradicts the assertion. MORE HERE

16 Comments on No, Greenland is not approaching a melting ‘tipping point’

  1. The earth being a dynamic structure is in constant movement. Tectonic plates are sliding constantly and continents move toward and away from one another. Above us magnetic fields are shifting as we wobble away in our orbit.
    We have alarmists expecting us to go back to primitive conditions and surrender all of our progress because of some shifting in ice concentrations?
    We have much bigger things to worry ourselves with.

  2. “Tipping point” is an alarmist term based on drama and ignorance and has nothing to do with science. Greenland ice sheet grows and contracts on scales of decades centuries and longer. It is not disappearing good grief

  3. “… result in substantial ice melt and sea level rise.”

    One more time.

    Take a glass. Fill it with ice. Then fill it with water. Watch the ice melt.
    The water level will DROP, not RISE (ice be like 10% less dense than water).
    Where, do these morons suppose, the fuckin ice came from?

    Don’t take my word for anything. A daisy-type cup will work, too, doesn’t have to be glass – you could even use the good crystal. Even a styrofoam cup (though you have to wait longer).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Had a truck driver with rather poor english try and explain to me last week about the coming flipping of the poles and other world ending scenarios. All I wanted to do was check the seal on the trailer and get him parked in the overnight parking before any of his extraterrestrials showed up.

    That’s what climate change has become.

    When the “shine boy” is talking about the market you it’s time to get out. When truck drivers are talking end of world scenarios you know it’s time to reopen the mental institutions.

  5. Tim, you are spherically wrong (wrong from every angle).
    Your bit of science applies only to ice that is supported by floating in the water
    Not the ice that is supported by land. That water will add to the ocean depths.
    Take that same glass, fill it to the brim with water and lay a line of toothpicks over it and lay two ice cubes on them and when they melt, the glass will overflow.
    Now, Greenland is not melting off. It is gaining in ice thickness.
    But if it ever did melt, yes we would see some rise in sea level.

  6. Tim, from the naturally occurring weather patterns that were created the instant God created Earth.

    The climate has been changing since the formation of the earth and if it were to stop, only then should we panic 🤪.

  7. Didn’t you go to high school?
    I evaporates out of the ocean.
    Your example is wrong because you are talking about volume of ice that is supported by water. Ice takes up 10% more room in volume than the water supporting it. That was your point about the ice in a glass. It will not overfill the glass because it already displaces the water in the glass.
    Ice on land is supported by the land. It does not take up any volume of the ocean. Any ice that melts on land will add to the volume of the water, and (big if) IF the Greenland Ice sheet melts that water will be added to the ocean levels.

  8. No – but I did work on a brick crew (carrying bricks) building a Jr. High once.

    Let me get this straight: Water evaporates out of the Oceans – precipitates onto land as rain and snow then freezes – melts and runs back into the Oceans – which RAISES the WATER LEVEL?

    Apparently I didn’t miss much.

    Let’s look at it another way.
    Volume of the Greenland Ice Mass is about 6.96 E+5 sq.mi.
    Volume of the Oceans is about 3.2 E+8 sq.mi.

    (do some math)

    That’s means that the Greenland Ice Mass is (roughly) 0.22% of the Volume of the Oceans (and 10% less dense) – so – what – about 0.2%?

    Help a brother out.
    An besides that, according to Hank Johnson, islands FLOAT on top of the water, so the ice-water-glass simile is appropriate.
    Sorry to take so long to get back, but we dummies get sidetracked – shiny things – lady bugs – cute bunnies …

    izlamo delenda est …


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