No. I Didn’t Watch Any Of It. 😳 – IOTW Report

No. I Didn’t Watch Any Of It. 😳


EXCLUSIVE: The Democrat Staffer of Senator Ben Cardin

@SenatorCardin who filmed himself making a gay sex tape in the Hart Senate building is named Aidan Maese-Czeropski. Additionally,

@JoeBiden has featured Aidan Maese-Czeropski in several of his campaign ads!! Here’s the Biden campaign ad that features

@Aidanmaesec! Aidan Maese-Czeropski can be seen in

@JoeBiden’s video at the 1:01 timestamp. He spent time with Biden in 2020 when he was a student at UC Berkeley. As a Legislative Correspondent, he makes $25,124.99. Watch video below

I am getting to the bottom of

@TheDemocrats degeneracy.

31 Comments on No. I Didn’t Watch Any Of It. 😳

  1. I assume everyone is referring to the guy kneeling on the table with his pixelated butt in the air? Yeah, I didn’t look at that either. Oh, crap, was there a video? Wait. I don’t want to watch that, either!

  2. Don’t go to Daily Caller, where I saw this. I scroll past the picture to read the story and the video is right there. Darn, move it down the page please.
    I almost threw up.

  3. Laura Loomer is very courageous investigating the DC Capitol cesspool of demoniacs. They think they’re getting away with evil acts of Satan worship – they are not.

    God might deal with them like he did the priests of Baal since the ungodly have set up evil spiritual alters in DC;
    1Kings 18:20-40, The Holy Bible

    There’s a limit to God’s grace and mercy for those who truly hate God;
    Romans 1:18-32, The Holy Bible

  4. @Brad; Can you name me one US President that held a party celebrating faggotry. Celebrating what God destroyed cities and people for. There’s a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is destruction.

  5. The ability to bugger someone, while under pressure in a semi-public place, is apparently a sought after trait if you want to be a Democrat staffer. Disgusting. Wipe the $hi+ off your member and pack your bags, your work here is done.


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