No Kamala, You’re Not a Victim. You’re Just An Extremely Unlikable Person. – IOTW Report

No Kamala, You’re Not a Victim. You’re Just An Extremely Unlikable Person.

DMF: According to Sen. Kamala Harris, it’s no coincidence that the top three Democrats leading in 2020 Democrat primary polls are white guys.  According to her, it’s the result of biased media pundits shaping black folks views with discussions on who is electable in today’s America.  In her case, I’m sure her lack of perceived electability has nothing to do with the Creepy Voodoo Witch persona she sometimes projects.

Speaking to the folks at the NAACP’s Fight for Freedom Dinner in the democrat run paradise of Detroit, the 2020 contender pathetically whined about her lack of popularity, saying that the media’s discussions about “electability” are leading minorities to believe that only a white man can defeat Donald Trump.   more here

14 Comments on No Kamala, You’re Not a Victim. You’re Just An Extremely Unlikable Person.

  1. …you would think it would dawn on someone at the DNC that most people in a national election just aren’t going to vote for a bitchy woman regardless of WHAT color she is, but you’d be wrong…

  2. Supposedly the big lesson for the dems in 2016 was that they have to get blue collar whites to vote for them. Kamala Harris is like kryptonite to blue collar white people. Hopefully she gets the nom

  3. Jeez couldn’t possibly be that she immediately backed Jussie Smollett who she has ties to. And coincidentally came out with that stunt right when she was pimping reparations. Hmmm, how about that – her big push when she started was reparations. Gee Kamala, how do you think white voters are going to react?! Other than those two gems what has she done? Shopped with reporters, talked in a fake black voice, lied about listening to rap that wasn’t even around when she was in college and insulted her Jamaican father along with all Jamaican’s with her pot smoking jokes. Yeah, she is just a victim. Of her own stupidity.

  4. Here we go with the Andrew Gillum and Stacy Abrams excuse, “I didn’t win because I’m black”
    The more accurate reason is because you’re an insufferable asshole.

  5. By all accounts, the most traffic and ad revenue from the Internet is generated by XXX sites. Harris ought to produce pornographic campaign videos, starring herself of course, and post them at

  6. @ Rick: “Ya can’t sleep your way to the presidency kamala. Put on your work boots or shut up.”

    Don’t you mean “put on your work kneepads and shut up”.

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