No Labels, No Cash: Third-Party Ballot Access Group Raised Zero Dollars in First Six Months of 2023 – IOTW Report

No Labels, No Cash: Third-Party Ballot Access Group Raised Zero Dollars in First Six Months of 2023

WFB: The arm of No Labels devoted to gaining ballot access raised zero dollars in the first six months of the year, according to tax filings, casting doubt on the third-party group’s ability to fund a presidential bid in 2024.

From January to June, Insurance Policy for America, Inc., brought in no cash, according to its latest tax filings. No Labels launched the group in 2021 as an “insurance policy” that would help it obtain ballot access should voters show they want a third presidential choice come 2024.

No Labels has in recent weeks signaled it will nominate a third-party presidential candidate next year, prompting fear from Democrats who say the endeavor would hand former president Donald Trump another term. But the group’s latest filings raise questions about whether that panic is warranted. The ballot access group during the first six months of 2023 spent less than $1 million, money that mostly went to a single firm for consulting fees. The filings did not include the group’s cash on hand. more

4 Comments on No Labels, No Cash: Third-Party Ballot Access Group Raised Zero Dollars in First Six Months of 2023

  1. Donor: “So, what’s your party’s name?”
    Costanza: “No Labels.”
    Donor: “Ok. Where do you stand on the issues?”
    Costanza: “We don’t.”
    Donor: “You don’t?”
    Seinfeld: “What he means is, of course, we have a platform. It’s just that—“
    Costanza: “No, no, no! No platform!”
    Seinfeld: “Well, there’s gotta be SOME kinda platform!”
    Donor: “Well, why am I voting for you?”
    Costanza: “Because we’re on the ballot!”
    Donor: “… not yet…”

  2. Want to know the truth about ballot access hurdles and BS? Go to Richard Winger’s and learn everything there is to know. Getting on the ballot in all 50 states is nearly impossible, specifically because the two worthless major parties conspire in EVERY STATE to prevent competition.


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