No love: Defector describes North Korean hell – IOTW Report

No love: Defector describes North Korean hell

World Tribune: North Koreans are not allowed to have friendships or express love. Everyone is only a “comrade.” Citizens are required to reserve their devotion for the country’s supreme leaders who are venerated not as authority figures but as gods.

“What you need to know about North Korea is that it’s not like other countries like Iran or Cuba,” Yeonmi Park, a North Korean defector, told the New York Post. “In those countries, you have some kind of understanding that they are abnormal, they are isolated and the people are not safe.”

“But North Korea has been so completely purged from the rest of the world, it’s literally a Hermit Kingdom. When I was growing up there, I didn’t know that I was isolated, I didn’t know that I was praying to a dictator,” Park said.

It was routine for North Koreans to see citizens dying of starvation on the streets. Roughly 40 percent of the country’s population, more than 10 million people, are starving and face severe food shortages, according to the United Nations.

Park said her life in the North was ensconced in total darkness and freezing cold due to a lack of reliable electricity. more here

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