No, Mocking The Chinese Communist Party Isn’t Racist – IOTW Report

No, Mocking The Chinese Communist Party Isn’t Racist

Useful idiots on the American left are running cover for China’s murderous regime.


In a breathless, absurd, and dangerous article in Paste magazine, writer Seth Simons accuses comedian Andrew Schulz’s Netflix show “Schulz Saves America” of anti-Asian racism. According to Simons, placing blame on the Chinese government for the spread of COVID-19 and insulting its leaders is xenophobia and racism. This despite the fact that everyone from The New York Post to CNN has repeatedly reported on the lies and deceptions from China that helped set the pandemic ablaze.

What are some examples of this alleged bigotry? Well, Schulz refers to COVID as the “Whuhanic Plague” and to Chinese leader Xi Jinping as “Winnie the Flu.” Neither of these things is racist. The word the humorless Simons is looking for is “funny.”

But this is more than just politically correct stupidity from Paste magazine. It is in fact a dangerous trend among leftists to give cover to the United States’s most dangerous geopolitical foe. read more

16 Comments on No, Mocking The Chinese Communist Party Isn’t Racist

  1. I can understand why those siding with the Chi-Comms, that are hell bent bring down the USA, would say such things….

    BTW: the CCP 5th Column Media and Elected/appointed officials included.

  2. “Chinken Pox”, if you want get nasty.

    And “Paste” magazine? Must be some Millennial outfit. I’m guessing they never had paste in grade school. Probably banned because it contained peanuts.

  3. And what kid from my generation (now an old fart) doesn’t remember making paper mache balloons during art class time by blowing up a balloon with dried beans in it and smearing it with library paste and covering it with newspaper and letting it dry out so they could make rattles or paint them all sorts of bright colors. Talk about retarded, but we did it anyway, why I don’t know.

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