No More Polish Jokes – IOTW Report

No More Polish Jokes

Poland has 38.5 million people.

There Muslim population is 33,000.

Who’s stupid now?

Here’s a table from 2011


15 Comments on No More Polish Jokes

  1. TRUE STORY…..a Polish astronaut was invited to head to space with the Russians back in the 70’s. When they landed back on Earth, the reporters couldn’t help but notice that the back of the Polish traveler’s hands were beat red. When asked why by the reporters, the Pollack stated, “Every time I reached for a button, a Russian guy would slap my hand and say, ‘don’t touch that….don’t touch that…”

  2. The UK and Sweden have under 5% and look at the fucking problems those countries are having-I’ve heard we’re at around ~3% and at the rate President Motherfucker is importing them, we’ll soon be there too.

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