No, Mr. President, 1776 Wasn’t Anything Like Castro’s 1959 Putsch – IOTW Report

No, Mr. President, 1776 Wasn’t Anything Like Castro’s 1959 Putsch


IBD: Diplomacy: In one of his last acts in Havana, President Obama threw out a false equivalency between the American Revolution and Cuba’s 1959 communist takeover. What are we to make of a U.S. president who embraces such hoary Marxist equivalencies?


In his Tuesday address to the Cuban people, Obama declared that the communist takeover that led to the Castros’ 57-year dictatorship was a “liberation movement,” same as America’s 1776 revolution. Obama’s well-known for his false equivalencies, but this one stands out for its idiocy.


h/t FlamingHetero

7 Comments on No, Mr. President, 1776 Wasn’t Anything Like Castro’s 1959 Putsch

  1. During and after the American revolution the captured British troops and tories were treated with respect by George Washington’s troops. Castro used Che to murder anyone who stood in their way, and is still torturing and most likely murdering those that oppose him to this day.
    This mf’r seems to find new ways to really piss me off every day.

  2. Words fail. I still remained convinced that at some point in the future the majority of people, if not in this country, then elsewhere. Will be shocked that this generstion did not remove Obama from office, try and convict him of treason. With the appropriate sentence applied.

  3. I concur Jethro This trip to Cuba has really been Obama going all out to give the middle finger to this country. He said FU to the EU and Brussels, dancing in happiness another bloody nose has been given to the West and now dares to equate the American Revolution to a Communist take over of Cuba?

    Hell he might as well come out now and say Chairman Mao was his inspiration to be a real reformist.

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