No, Mr. President, it is not the Muslim community that needs protection. It is the rest of humanity – IOTW Report

No, Mr. President, it is not the Muslim community that needs protection. It is the rest of humanity


CFP: Obama’s recent visit to the Islamic Society of Baltimore, a radical mosque with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, is a slap in the face to all Americans whose lives have been altered due to Islamic warfare.  While Obama continues to lecture us about the “victimized” Muslim community here in the United States, his comments fly in the face of reality.  Who is really victimized here?

Before the influx of Muslims on to our shores, I can remember an America where we felt free to enter a school without security checks.  I can remember going to concerts and sporting events without having my purse searched.  It was possible to drive to the airport and get on a plane without waiting in line for security clearance, and one could attend Jewish services without having to worry about the temple being shot up.  MORE

10 Comments on No, Mr. President, it is not the Muslim community that needs protection. It is the rest of humanity

  1. That bastard would force us all to comply with sharia law if he thought he could get away with it. He is the best thing that ever happened in favor of the islamic caliphate, from any moslem terrorist’s viewpoint. Look at all the gains they have made since he’s been in office.

  2. This same dynamic is playing itself out in my workplace, only the faces getting slapped are white.

    For 16 months I have shared an office with a daughter of Obama whose every breath gets on my nerves–a high-maintenance, attention whore/sympathy whore/drama queen whose sole quest in life is to prove that The Man is getting over on her. She’s also reverse-racist, lazy, incompetent, not inclined to follow the rules, and has the people skills of a mosquito.

    I sucked up all of her shit until about six months the ago, when I complained on a day when she brought her 7-year-old son to work on a day when he was clearly I’ll and coughing constantly. I did this with the expectation that she and the sick child would be sent home. Instead, I was treated to a supercilious little lecture about how “hard” it is for working people with small children. They were allowed to remain in my office. I wanted to punch my supervisor.

    She’s held a big grudge and major attitude against me ever since. This past week I had to make another complaint. She was using too many scented products in the office and I was having asthma, splitting headaches, and nausea as a result. The supervisor’s position is that since we “can’t get along” (like that’s MY fucking fault), we should both be moved to other parts of the couthouse.

    After my second complaint the supervisor spoke to her. She came back to the office and began ranting at me, shrieking like a mad woman that I had lied to the supervisors, why didn’t I talk to her about things (because duh, honey, you’re a moody, volatile bitch and I don’t want to deal with you temper tantrums), and now it’s all my fault that she’ll lose her cushy job in my office and be sent back to the Siberia of the petition room, uwhere she’ll have to work like a mule. I called in sick yesterday because I was AFRAID to go in because Cuckoo Girl might suddenly decide she needs “room to destroy.” This woman carries a concealed weapons. Me first, ya know?

    I blame Obama. In 39 years of full-time employment, I have ALWAYS worked with minority co-workers but have NEVER had this much trouble with overentitlement issues. Obama says the future must not belong to those who slander the name of Islam. Yeah, well fuck his black Muslim ass. I don’t want MY future hijcaked by these feral shitstains–and he might finally get it the first time that President Donald John Trump strolls into the Oval Office and sits down behind the Resolute Desk.

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