No One Likes You, Eric Swalwell – IOTW Report

No One Likes You, Eric Swalwell


When 2018 midterm voters were polled on the issues most important to them, the Russia investigation ranked dead last. That might explain why Democratic presidential candidate Eric Swalwell, who has branded himself as the “Guns and Russia” candidate, is polling at 0 percent among all 2020 Democratic hopefuls.

In fact, a majority of polls don’t even include Swalwell in the top 17 candidates. In an April CNN poll, 66 percent of respondents had never heard of him. Despite the dismal numbers, Swalwell has clung to his two favorite issues.

The 38-year-old often leverages his position on the House Intelligence Committee to make frequent cable news appearances discussing Russia and the Mueller report. On CBS’s “Face The Nation” this Sunday, Swalwell said impeachment “may be the only road to save the country.” On Wednesday, the Democratic congressman from California was widely mocked after comparing the Mueller report to the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and Pearl Harbor on Twitter.

Remember that time Pearl Harbor was bombed and FDR called the Emperor of Japan? Or the time the Twin Towers were struck and Bush ringed Osama Bin Laden? No? I don’t either. So why’d @realDonaldTrump call Putin after the Mueller Report was released?

But his real passion issue remains gun-grabbing. In a San Francisco Chronicle essay laying out his reasons for running for president, Swalwell’s number-one reason was that the single greatest threat to young Americans’ lives is gun violence. At a time in which child mortality rates have dropped by half over the last two decades, this claim is just categorically untrue.

At a Wednesday night vigil for a student who died in a Colorado school shooting, angry students stormed out after politicians speaking at the event began calling for gun control instead of honoring their late classmate. One student told The Daily Wire they were angry when the event became “highly politicized.”

Nevertheless, Swalwell continues to pen op-eds calling for $15 million gun buybacks, banning “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons,” and jailing people who resist giving up their weapons. At the height of his passion, he has even threatened to nuke his own gun-owning constituents should they not surrender their firearms to the government. more

13 Comments on No One Likes You, Eric Swalwell

  1. My mother used to say “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all!” Needless to say my mother never met Eric Swallow well!

  2. …does this mean he wants to nuke Democrats now? You know, like he wanted to nuke GUN OWNERS?

    Start with Chicago, there, Rikki, and see where it goes from there…

    “Rep. Eric Swalwell

    And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.

    4:22 PM – Nov 16, 2018”

    …oops, sorry, Rick Diculous, you’d have to be PRESIDENT to do THAT…and that just AIN’T gonna happen…too bad, so sad, now slink away quickly, we’ve got GUNS to clean…

  3. …ok, we don’t ACTUALLY want him to quit.


    …we want ALL the clowns in the car for as long as possible, sucking each other’s air, taking each other’s donors, writing campaign commercials for Republicans, and hopefully pissing off each others’ base so they don’t vote in November.

    …remember the show “Weakest Link”, where they would get together to vote out the COMPETENT guy near the end, so a moron always won? It’s like THAT, but with the Dem nomination as the prize.

    …so have at it, there, Swallows. This is YOUR year, go TAKE it from those nasty, nasty Dem opponents, the people CRAVE your rule, if only you would step up your attacks…;)

  4. If it is any consolation most dems in the pack of 20+ are polling at 0-1% and of course the great Beto, the Hollywood chosen one, is the guy that must really be gobsmacked by the lack of love with his polling.

  5. I hope he gets to debate some other democrats
    I can’t wait to hear him destroy his opponents with: “I know you are but what am I?”
    Over and over again

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