No One Wants This Free House Because It Is Too Haunted – IOTW Report

No One Wants This Free House Because It Is Too Haunted


In most parts of America, it costs a fair amount of money to buy a 2,400 square-foot, two-story, four-bedroom home, but there’s one in Louisiana that is actually being given away yet still no one wants it. So what’s the problem? It’s haunted.

In a post advertising the free house on real estate agent Sylvia McLain‘s Facebook page, people who have lived in or visited the home filled the comments section with their creepy encounters. Former owner Dawn Vallot DeClout, whose family owned the place since it was built in 1860 until they left in the 1980s,said that her great grandmother’s spirit still lives in the house. That woman, named Adele, died in the home’s front room at the age of 90, and to this day can often be heard stirring and moving around any pots left unattended in the kitchen. The ghost doesn’t seem too menacing though – Dawn explained:

26 Comments on No One Wants This Free House Because It Is Too Haunted

  1. AB has the right idea, no more of your usual shabby, malodorous crackhouses for us! I want something that looks like Bob Newhart opened a crack house in Vermont.

  2. I wonder why some spirit cookers
    and devil worshipers and witches don’t go
    live there.They would be right at home
    sotra speak.

  3. I would take it if I was American.

    I’m such an asshole that the Ghost would call Pope Frankie himself!

    I’m Kinda looking for a new Country soon anyway.

  4. Old Richard Pryor joke…

    Black family walks into the Amnityville Horror house that they just bought…

    Husband: “Look at this place. It’s beautiful. The floor plan is perfect. I love the hardwood floors. And the neighborhood and schools are great…”

    House: “GET OUT!!!”

    Husband: “Too bad we can’t stay… (slam!)”.

  5. Why settle for only a crack house when it could be converted into a beautiful old folks’ whore house?

    Seems to me that the nursing home industry has failed to see the obvious synergy of their core business with the cash flow potential of offering lower rates to retired old ladies in exchange for a piece of their hooker action. Win-win!

  6. Oh, yeah. It just needs to be moved. Since we learned from that other 4’9″ spirit, “As long as the house isn’t right on the ancient burial ground, you’ll be fine!”

  7. Crackheads it is, Free crack for 1.5 hours of work a day for the first month. They can help the security company install the bars. From the inside.
    Then we feed them meth for the second month and recoup our labor losses in demo.
    Then we feed them a steady diet of Adderall for the build back.
    We can also scoop up some whores from around town.
    “You said you’d do anything for $100.00 I want you to paint the trim on this porch”

  8. Hey! My neighbor is moving because her hubby died.

    Anyone with 600K should snap this property up. House is bitchen’. Hardwood floors, couple stories, pro kitchen, porches, 10 acres or so…. bunch of bathrooms….detached garage…

    Course’ it’s probably haunted. But it’s cool…. dude was a vet.

  9. And yet, with everyone having camera in their phone, I’m betting not a single video captured any of it.

    *Note: I captured EVP’s in my home, and it’s weird as hell. Ask, and you can hear answers if you boost the volume on your computer, not recommended.

  10. @mithrandir May 3, 2020 at 12:19 am

    > Ask, and you can hear answers if you boost the volume on your computer, not recommended.

    You mean like “Have you tried unplugging and rebooting?”


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