No One Wants To See Your Man-Boobs, Boris – IOTW Report

No One Wants To See Your Man-Boobs, Boris

NYPost: Russia’s Vladimir Putin took a swipe at Western leaders who mocked his bare-chested horse-riding, saying that they would look “disgusting” in the buff.

The Kremlin strongman made the snarky comment during a visit to the Russia-friendly Central Asian republic of Turkmenistan Thursday when asked about G7 leaders poking fun at him earlier this week.

As they sat down for talks in the German Alps, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson quipped that G7 leaders could take their clothes off to “show that we’re tougher than Putin” and “show them our pecs.”

His Canadian counterpart, Justin Trudeau, joked that they could try to match Putin’s infamous 2009 naked torso pictures with a “bare-chested horseback riding display.”

Speaking to reporters in Turkmenistan Thursday, the Russian president clapped back at the G7 participants, suggesting that they could not emulate him because, unlike him, they lead unhealthy lifestyles.

“I don’t know how they wanted to get undressed, above or below the waist,” he said. “But I think it would be a disgusting sight in any case.” more

Please enjoy the 23 Things That Russian President Vladimir Putin Is Riding.

17 Comments on No One Wants To See Your Man-Boobs, Boris

  1. I watched that video earlier. I’m wondering what kind of self image these people actually have of themselves. They need to catch a big sniff of reality. They’re all fat pigs.

  2. Keep in mind Vlad is 69 yrs old & Turdie is 50. (i’m 52)

    IN HIS PRIME or a FEW YEARS AFTER, If Vlad decided to engage physically with Turdie it would not be with Gloves, a Bell, & a referee. [Boxing]

    It would be real eye gouging, Knee breaking, & neck snapping Spetsnaz shit.

    Shaddap Turdette, Your tampon string is showing.

    We all Hate You!

  3. I don’t wear anything except basketball shorts and Keene sandals in my yard all summer most summers. This summer it has been cold and wet so far. One of the favored few got all uppity when I told him that if his drug addict ass needs to walk past my property that I don’t want him even my side of the street. He got all ugly and asked me what you going to do about it if I do? You fat fuck! My neighbor chimed in and told him: The guy you are calling a fat fuck is who one shotted your partner into the turf right there under my plumb tree. It’s probably best if you don’t fuck with him.

  4. Pst! Hey Turdie,

    We don’t even have a submarine that can patrol our Norther Border.

    The “Mericans” are doing it for us you little ass slut!

  5. Brad,

    I’m climbing ladders every 5-6 days a week doing HVAC and smacking my face into the odd tree mountain biking at least 2 times a week when there is no ice on the trails. (Fkn heart rate hits above 185 on the climbs)

    I do the irons on the off season now days.

    Keep at it gunslinger.

  6. Not a fan of Putin, but them even going there shows when it comes to running a country he’s more serious and better for his country than they are.

  7. I believe that Mad Vlad has a black belt in judo. He might be a nutter, but he could break any one of the so-called G7 leaders over his knee with one hand while swigging vodka with the other. Being KGB & a spetsnaz thug as well, he probably also knows karate, savate & general dirty tricks. BTW, savate isn’t a real thing, it just rhymes with karate. Although, the husk would say that he studied it in his younger days.

  8. One of the funniest scenes in Netflix’ “Red Notice: Dwayne Johnson & Ryan Reynolds characters are breaking out of a russian prison, & the guard they are sneaking up on is looking at THAT picture on his phone with a big grin on his face.
    Gotta see it.

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