No Pardon for Partisan Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

No Pardon for Partisan Hypocrisy

Michelle Malkin– Quick, grab the smelling salts and clear the fainting couches.

President Trump’s pardon of conservative author Dinesh D’Souza last week violently triggered Beltway media elites. It’s peanut butter, weed pollen, gluten, manspreading, Chick-fil-A, the national anthem, and Kryptonite all rolled into one giant political allergen. Allow me to administer the rhetorical, metaphorical antihistamine.

To The Washington Post editorial board, President Trump’s use of the pardon is “another show of disrespect for the justice system.” Outspoken D’Souza was the subject of a highly politicized prosecution by former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara (now an anti-Trump resistance leader) over campaign finance violations totaling $20,000. The WaPo punditocracy grudgingly admits that the president “has constitutional power to do this” and that it is “Mr. Trump’s prerogative” to pardon individuals the newspaper considers “unsavory.”

Yet, the editorialists fulminate that what “is offensive here is not the pardon power, but the use of it” for “arbitrary, political and unjustified” reasons.

G-U-Double F-Awww. The protesting Posties wouldn’t be capable of acknowledging an acceptable exercise of the pardon power by Trump if it body-slammed them off the ropes on UFC Fight Night.  more here

14 Comments on No Pardon for Partisan Hypocrisy

  1. 8 long years an impostor vandal sullied the WH and the jackasses DEFENDED his every flatulent move.
    Are their mouths moving now? Yaw, who cares?

  2. It doesn’t matter how much good DJT does. Every action to restore this country is met with shrieks and howls by the perpetually offended panty twisted crowd. No amount of good deeds will silence the rabid pack. The good part is that it’s become blatantly evident the liberals and anti Trumpers have no agenda save obstructionism and sensationalism.
    The positions and statements by antitrumpers has become so ridiculous that even a moron can only shake their head and wonder WTF. The more they talk the less people listen.
    The pendulum has swung, slowly but surely DJT is putting this country on the right path.

  3. And Now Kim Kardashian is feeling the heat from the Hollywood crowd for being a “pawn” of President Trump. Kim isn’t too bright, but I believe SHE approached HIM regarding the pardon.

  4. @ Tony R
    And the racially woke left would rather that woman rot in prison until Trump left office, rather than give credit where credit is due. What a great bunch the left is.

  5. Funny there was no outcry when Bill the Rapist pardoned Susan McDougal. Of course she was only locked up for refusing to tell the truth about the Rapist and his wife’s crinimal business dealings. Then again, telling the truth (or even knowing the truth) about the Clintons is usually a death sentence.


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