‘No Prisoners’ Agenda for 2023 – IOTW Report

‘No Prisoners’ Agenda for 2023

Townhall| Kurt Schlichter: We are going to crush the Democrats in 2022, and there will be a temptation to sigh and wipe our brow and think it’s all over, but instead of relaxing in 2023 the GOP needs to attack. Think Attila the Hun charging at the head of his horde. Think George Patton leading the Third Army. Think Brian Stelter, who is a potato, when he sees a buffet. We need to crush their dreams and make them howl in the run-up to 2024, when we will retake the presidency and put a sharpened stake through the shriveled heart of the leftist monster.

We will have power soon. We must use it.

They will cry. We must drink their tears.

33 Comments on ‘No Prisoners’ Agenda for 2023

  1. “We are going to crush the Democrats in 2022”

    There is a famous youtube video of a collegiate runner who, way ahead of the pack, slows down and hot dogs for the crowd, waving his arms, basking in the glory that he assumes is his, all the while another runner passes him at the finish line.

    You can pick whichever idiom soothes (counting chickens, the fat lady sings) but I would prefer we keep our eye on the ball and take care of business THIS election.

    We all know how the other side cheats. Put all focus on a victory this November, nothing else matters.

  2. He is more optimistic about November than I am. Not that I don’t believe Republicans would clean up in an honest election, it’s that I have serious doubts we will have an honest election.

    And even if the Republicans do win, we still have the problem of the RINOs “reaching across the aisle” in an effort to “bring us together.” Democrats never try to “bring us together,” it is always the Republicans and they usually get walked all over even when they hold the majority.

  3. Anyone that thinks we’re going to vote our way back to sanity is very obviously not visiting information sources on the left. Like the fucking blurbs this computer lists when I open a new tab. There is never EVER a story that favors conservatives. REgressives may be in a slight minority but they’ve got the megaphones & believe they’re in the catbird’s seat. They hate us with a passion you wouldn’t believe PLUS they know we’re dumber than doorknobs. Pushovers.

    I guess there have been instances in the past where an oppressed majority were able to overthrow their oppressors(Poland?) without widespread violence but when has a country whose very citizens are divided like ours, had a bloodless solution? Last time we tried about 3% of the pop. of America was killed. That works out to ~10,000,000 these days. That’s a lot of bodies and I fear it’s an under count.

  4. Republicans, for the most part, are only slightly less useless than democrats. And I mean SLIGHTLY. They’ll charge in to the elections like testosterone powered lions then, after elected, suddenly become the confused transgender that they really are.

  5. Don’t forget that Ronna McDaniel RNC chairwoman, torpedoed Mike Lindell, just before SCOTUS was the hear the case on election fraud.
    There doesn’t seem to be anybody to trust.

  6. The Repubes are content sitting on the back bench, carping, and stuffing their bank accounts.
    The rot is ubiquitous in DC – actually, everywhere above the Town Council.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The best plan would be to openly fix every mess created by Democrats and make sure you make it public knowledge. Lay it out for all to see. Detail every corrupt thing they did/do and then prove how it was fixed by Republicans. Always give credit to the middle class for their joint effort. Make hero’s out of the public often. Always make known the link between Democrats and poor results. Mock them with positive results.

  8. It’s time for the pendulum to swing again, as it always does.

    Global Corporate Uniparty…

    Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok…

    Cuckcoo bird pops out of the clock:

    “Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off. “

  9. If the GOP retakes the House in 2022, and if they install Trump as Speaker of the House (which they can…there is no requirement that the Speaker be an elected member of the House) and if they retake the Senate and replace the Turtle with someone with a set, then this could be interesting.
    But with Kevin McCarthy taking warm showers in the wee hours of the morning with Frank Luntz, and McConnell (who never met a deal with China that his wife wouldn’t benefit from) expect more of the same–all talk but no spine, no balls and not interest in doing the right thing.

  10. @Wild Bill February 11, 2022 at 3:12 pm

    > What a shame we don’t have a viable third party.

    Good news! The third, fourth, fifth, AND sixth parties! Are all as viable as the Republicans! In turning the ship of state around. In the, completely, opposite direction. If we just voat harderer!

  11. Dirty Dems are already cheating. Out in open too.
    J 6 sham is to try to invoke the 14th amendment against Trump and every real conservative.
    Madison Cawthorn is fighting in his state already.

  12. So, will we clear out the FBI, the CIA, the capitol police, the Dept of education, the Dept of energy, the Dept of Homeland Security, etc.? I doubt it. Those people are all union workers with their pensions and protections. It would be nice to stop hiring for all the departments and see them shrink by attrition.

  13. (If someone has already pointed this out, my apologies for the duplicate.)

    How in the H.E.Double toothpicks is Allen West leading the pack for TX guv??! Talk about squishes. This really IS the United States of Amnesia.

  14. Andrew should be invoked rarely. He’s not a martyr. He’s not a saint. He’s just a man. A great man. And he is a great man that should be invoked rarely. Respectfully, this article was not that article.

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