No Rules for Radicals – It’s Intellectual Froglegs – IOTW Report

No Rules for Radicals – It’s Intellectual Froglegs


I am so proud of the American people telling DC and their sycophantic media to go to hell.  We are NOT their subjects.

Now while we are rooting for President-Elect Trump to succeed wildly—we are sycophants of no one. We will hold Trump’s feet to the fire, but only when needed. We are not going to scrutinize and micromanage his every move.

We knew Trump was apolitical and unpredictable…and no doubt he will have us all scratching our heads at times. But with a history of success that is second to none— Donald Trump for lack of a better word— backs up his bullsh*t like no other.

So for now… Donald Trump has earned my trust— until he doesn’t.  MORE


h/t Corona.

17 Comments on No Rules for Radicals – It’s Intellectual Froglegs

  1. I am certainly glad to see Joe Dan has kept his vim, vigor and veracity intact.
    Can’t keep a good man down.
    The placebo of Trump winning probably kept Joe Dan
    from getting a hitch in his giddyup.
    Some things an MD can’t ‘splain.

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