No-Show Joe – taking a page from the Hillary campaign – IOTW Report

No-Show Joe – taking a page from the Hillary campaign

Patriot Retort: 

You know, I think President Trump might want to rechristen Sleepy Joe with a new nickname: No-Show Joe

Where in the world is Joe Biden?

While all the other candidates swarm the state of Iowa this weekend, Joe is a no-show.  Sure, he plans to turn up later this week.  You know, on his own good time.

No-Show Joe has been taking it slow – campaigning sparingly and avoiding voters.

Who’s running his campaign anyway?  The same people who advised Hillary to make one campaign appearance for every seven Donald Trump held? It got so bad in 2016, we were all left wondering where the hell is Hillary Clinton?

No-Show Joe seems to be using the “non-campaigning” campaign strategy.

And it doesn’t make sense to me.

Unlike Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, Gillibrand, Booker, Moulton and the rest of the clown car, Biden doesn’t have a job he’s neglecting in order to run. In fact, like slacker Beto, Joe really has oodles of time to hit the campaign trail, rub shoulders with voters (literally) and get out there among the people.

And yet.

He avoided the far-Left California Democrat convention last week.

And now is steering clear of Iowa while the rest of the competition campaigns this weekend — some in the most painfully embarrassing ways.

Right, Kirsten?

15 Comments on No-Show Joe – taking a page from the Hillary campaign

  1. All the exposure comes along with a certain amount of scrutiny and Joe’s feeling a little uncomfortable with some of the questions being raised. He’s finding the temperature much more to his liking back in the shadows.

  2. NO-SHOW JOE Very nice…

    There’s lots a smaart peoples here. How about at some point Mr. Big runs a poll as to who should be the Dummycrat’s nominee.

    Would be more accurate than anything offered up by the mededuh.

    Timing is everything. So when will the poll be put up on the website? Perhaps we could replace the whole election system and decide for everyone who won the election without bothering with going to the polls.

    Yeah, that’s the ticket! Mr. Big, MJA, Dr. Tar, etc. decide for the country!

  3. Swampy Joe Bidenhistime is too busy dealing with Hunter’s cocaine addled, wife swapping, Chicom enriching lifestyle to ask Neil Kinnock what to say next. Our Joey needs his nappy time, because being out to pasture has made him lose the sharp edge he never really had before deciding to save us from President Trump.

  4. He can’t publicly tow the centrist moderate line if he exposes himself to their radical base that has no problem booing dems too moderate off the stage. His abortion debacle last week proved he isn’t ready for prime time in front of his own rabid lunatic party.

  5. Same Obama / Clinton strategy. Try to play mistake free football by limiting exposure and allow no unscripted moments.

    It may be cute when you’re 50 but it takes on a Weekend At Bernies vibe when you and Methuselah were co-captains of the chariot team.

  6. Deep down inside, where no one will see, the senior democrats, (including Pelosi) know that President Trump is a shoe in. Joe knows it too. It’s only the goofy leftists addicted to TDS who don’t get it. I’m looking forward to all the new snowflake video’s the day after the election. That is, if youtube doesn’t ban them first.

  7. Hillary was a no-show because it didn’t matter. She was going to win in a landslide. It was all planned-out, bought and paid for: she was to be coronated as it was “her turn.”

    Joe is the presumptive nominee. He doesn’t need to be there. Like Hillary, it’s his time. After all, he served right along side Jesus of Kenya. He knew the Messiah up close and personal. No one can continue the legacy of Teh Won as Joe can. The other candidates are out there to:
    1. Build donor lists and collect data
    2. Float all kinds of radical ideas to see what polls well.
    3. Keep Hate Alive.

    The Dems are in serious trouble as a party. All the various factions they create and pander to are tacking HARD Left for realsies; they’re demanding power and a seat at the table and they’re tired of waiting. They’re not taking “no” for an answer. They’re booing and hissing when it’s suggested that Socialism and Medicare for All is not the way forward. As Che OC said, she’s “the boss.”

    Stock up on the popcorn.

  8. They plan to take control of the internet before hand. Won’t workie.
    Trump has seen to it and more people are with Trump now than before.
    I like the fact that he brought Mexico to the table so quickly, and back to square one if they don’t follow through.
    Tell me he isn’t the master negotiator and people are starting to wake up to that reality.
    We need a thousand Trumps, not Barry’s!

  9. When Schwarzenegger ran in the special election for governor he was way, way ahead in the polls. He said absolutely nothing about his stance on anything, just stuff like ‘I love California!’ He was no fool.
    Well it turned out he actually was, he signed the carbon tax. But as a candidate he had good advice and obeyed it.


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