No Social Distancing Necessary If You Yell At A Pregnant Woman To Kill Her Baby – IOTW Report

No Social Distancing Necessary If You Yell At A Pregnant Woman To Kill Her Baby

DefConNews: When President Trump holds a rally, the liberal media scolds him for holding a COVID-19 “super spreader” event. When thousands of people riot in the streets, loot, and destroy property that same liberal media calls it a “mostly peaceful” social justice march. Yesterday angry feminists gathered by the thousands to scream about their nonexistent right to kill babies and there wasn’t a single peep from the liberal media about social distancing or super-spreading the coronavirus.

Saturday was the annual Women’s March in Washington DC, which brought out hairy arm pitted feminists, butch lesbians, post-menapuasal spinsters, and beta males to fight for their right to abort babies that will never ever be planted in them. read more

8 Comments on No Social Distancing Necessary If You Yell At A Pregnant Woman To Kill Her Baby

  1. New evening entertainment at the Bad household.

    My youngest and his fiancee were over for dinner a couple weeks ago and he had the hook set in a couple Libtard women on facebook. So we started collaborating on smart ass replies to these idiots and it was fun. The original two grew into about twelve. I’m sure they were contacting their pals to join in. Not one funny bone in the mix. “Why don’t you just keep you legs shut. You can’t go through your entire life being sluts” was an award winner. So was,”Just suck what ever random guy you end up withs dick. He’d probably enjoy the silence”, was pretty good. I can’t remember them all, but within an hour we were blocked by all of them. It replaced board games on our Sunday night family dinners. Try it.

  2. Guys, I’ve become pro-choice in an effort to find common ground. I support the following choices:

    1) Contraception
    2) Abstinence
    3) Adoption
    4) Pregnancy

    I don’t support murder and neither does the law. Ever kill a pregnant woman? You get nailed for DOUBLE homicide.

    BTW, why are the ugly fat women always the loudest when it comes to killing babies?

  3. Abortion seems to be one of those litmus-tests that doesn’t require any consideration. It’s legal to kill the infant but it’s illegal to show the murdered infant on TV. Kinda weird. It’s almost as if the pro-Death people don’t really want the great unwashed mass of Sheeple to understand what’s really going on.
    That, I imagine, is why we use euphemism (abortion, fetus, partial birth, choice) in everything rather than explaining the actuality of killing an infant.

    “I disposed of a clump of tissue” more easily salves the conscience than “I killed my baby.”
    But the baby is dead. Forever. Irrevocably.

    izlamo delenda est …


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