No  Soul – IOTW Report

No  Soul

Joe Biden Visits Soul Food Restaurant in South Carolina and There Is NO CROWD Around Him (VIDEO)

27 Comments on No  Soul

  1. Why would a shrewd political machine place their candidate into a nonstaged venue?

    It’s like the old joke about the ugly kid that was so unlikeable that his mother had to tie a pork chop around his neck in order to get the family dog to play with him.

    Trump doesn’t have that problem.

  2. DOMINION said there were too many Jo fans there to count! maybe millions! DOMINION knows how to count.

    DOMINION will countthevotes in Ca and Ga; naming 2 UNIPARTY states!

  3. Before he arrived his handlers walked in and started yelling, “Everybody get out!!!” I know that happened because that’s what happens every time he gets questions from the propaganda ministry. Then specific people were placed in the restaurant, notably kids to sniff. While that was taking place, his motorcade plowed through anything and anyone on the way there.

  4. Foxcatcher comes to mind. Money won’t buy anything human, it’ll buy any thing you want and the simulacrum of many human interactions but it simply cannot buy any genuine human connection. That in part is why the fellow’s a kiddie queer, he can trick them for a bit if they’re innocent to begin with.

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