“No Speaker” Is Best Speaker! – IOTW Report

“No Speaker” Is Best Speaker!

The most popular Republican in Congress was just knifed in an an anonymous vote in a secret closed door meeting in the basement of the Capitol.

This is the Swamp at work.

17 Comments on “No Speaker” Is Best Speaker!

  1. The majority of GOP House members are RINOs they prefer voting in the dark, behind closed doors not subjected to accountability.

    At this stage of their game, as usual, being re-elected to another two year term. After the election the next game begins again to be elected for two more years.

    Never being held accountable for their unprincipled malfeasance from term to term.

  2. No Bush has shed blood for America in over 100 years. All Bush Clan are cowards; so his lemmings are also cowards!

    I said SHED BLOOD, not wore a uniform!


  3. The entire House (Senate, DOJ, FBI, and Supreme Court) is guilty of misprision – the RINOs more so – because they pretend to honor the Republic (hence the name).

    Damned shame that the lot of them aren’t swinging from lamp posts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Instead of moving forward and taking care of the myriad problems the country suffers, these people would rather play silly political games and popularity contests. Their only focus is re-election, period. It’s like children on the playground. Republicans are no better than Democrats. They all feed on the same thing – money and power. Great change is necessary but it doesn’t look like there are too many serious people in DC focused on the destruction / collapse of this nation. A reckoning is coming.


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