No take-backs: Germany sends ‘angry letters’ to countries refusing to take back migrants – IOTW Report

No take-backs: Germany sends ‘angry letters’ to countries refusing to take back migrants

BPR: Germany sent angry letters to 17 countries refusing to take their deported citizens back.

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Germany is frustrated with the lack of cooperation these countries show in helping their citizens after they were deported from Germany. The letters were sent to the governments in North and West Africa, as well as the Indian subcontinent.

A common problem is that as many as 70 percent of refugees that come to Germany don’t have proper documentation. Authorities have a difficult time proving their nationalities and no one wants to help them with the process.  MORE

4 Comments on No take-backs: Germany sends ‘angry letters’ to countries refusing to take back migrants

  1. It’s a tough crowd today MJA but don’t let it bother you. I appreciate your work as I’m sure most of us here do. As for the muzpedo invaders, they should just narrow it down to the continent of origin and drop them off from 30,000 feet with another strongly worded letter attached to them instead of a parachute. Even a drop over the nearest ocean to their suspected home country would work for me.

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