No, That “Drunk” Pelosi Video Wasn’t Doctored – IOTW Report

No, That “Drunk” Pelosi Video Wasn’t Doctored

Bongino: Did President Donald Trump share a video of Nancy Pelosi that was doctored to make it appear that she was drunk? That’s the charge Trump faced immediately after tweeting out said video.

The Washington Post used this as an opportunity to draw attention to the supposed epidemic of faked Pelosi videos being shared on social media nowadays. Vox posted an 1,100 word article on the allegedly doctored video that devoted zero words to the evidence of doctoring in that particular video. Meanwhile, “conservative” (the CNN kind) commentator S.E. Cupp blasted the GOP for not objecting to Trump sharing the “fake video.” Sore-loser-in-chief Hillary Clinton called the clip “sexist trash.”

Once again the media and company have mindlessly run with a narrative, and no one in their bubble will ever bother to check it. While we’re told the video was deceptively edited to make Pelosi appear drunk or otherwise incompetent, it was not. Rudy Giuliani did some under fire for sharing a different video of Pelosi he later deleted (also showing her stammering) before Trump shared his, and it was doctored, but that isn’t the video in question here. I guess they assumed that because Giuliani shared an entirely different video of Pelosi that was altered, therefore every video a member of the Trump administration shares of Pelosi is doctored? Who knows.

As PJ Media’s Matt Margolis noted:

Nancy’s speech is not altered in the video. The video is a series of clips made into a montage—a common method for saving time. The video Trump shared is a clip from Lou Dobbs Tonight on Fox Business from the same day. Greg Jarrett (filling in for Lou Dobbs) aired the montage from her press conference and discussed it with his guest, former Reagan White House political director and Fox Business political analyst Ed Rollins.


12 Comments on No, That “Drunk” Pelosi Video Wasn’t Doctored

  1. too late, the public education system run by corrupt Unions have already dumbed down the population so they here it was doctored and do not have the skill set to critically think on their own. We have entered (since Barry Hussein’s election) what history will call the “AGE OF THE SHEEPLE”

  2. Vascular dementia is a sad but true thing. Photo shop is not required. Also this is not some new video subject, Nancy has been photographed having a freezing event before.

  3. They claim that any video that has been adjusted in any way is ‘doctored’, even if that simply means clipping out the short section you want to show. That allows them to suggest that there is something else ‘doctored’ even though there isn’t.
    The laugh is on them though – by overanalyzing and showing to the liberals they gave far more coverage than the original Fox segment with Trump retweet. As usual.

  4. This is how the left works. They find one “doctored” video (possibly one they doctored themselves) and “expose” it as a “fraud “. From then on, any video that clearly shows Nancy Pelosi (or any democrat) as a babbling, incoherent fool, will be summarily dismissed as fraudulent. And the majority of the fools will obey their media overlords.

  5. I love undoctored videos.

    In fact, if Abortion is such a great fucking Constitutional Right, every news outlet should broadcast a few in their entirety to show us how great it is. End the self-imposed media ban on showing abortions.

    Preferably one in the late term.

  6. This kind of kneejerk backlash by the Left is why James OKeefe’s Project Veritas expose’ videos are available in unedited, full-length versions so that the inevitable Leftist “taken out of context” argument can be disproved.


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