No, The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States – IOTW Report

No, The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States

Nikki Haley, the daughter of two non-citizens, is patently ineligible to serve as President or Vice President under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

15 Comments on No, The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States

  1. U.S. Constitution, Art. 2, Sect. 1, para. 5: “No person except a natural born Citizen…”

    Some misc. interweb page: “Haley was born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa at Bamberg County Hospital in Bamberg, South Carolina…”

    She is a U.S. Citizen by birth. In what other reading would she not be eligible?

    You can debate the immigration status of her parents if you like, and use the perjorative “anchor baby” if you wish, but come off it.

    Let’s beat her in the arena of ideas.

  2. Brad, they do .. the head of their respective Political Party Machine Inc., officially vets, blesses, and signs off…in the Halfrican’s case, that was The Nancy ‘I Tear Official Gvt Docs Asunder on Prime Time’ Mafia Princess…as I recall she had to doctor the process a bit to ‘make it work’.

    Sippy, She is only an ersatz ‘U.S. Citizen’ by virtue of an insidiously corrupt Political-Judicial Fiat being perpetrated against this nation’s citizens, not via the U.S. Constitution or any relevant Immigration law. Sniffily tossing out an Anchor Baby dismissal is just a strawman distraction. The Founders of our Republic were very clear, in both their historical understanding and prescient writings, as to what constitutes a Natural Born Citizen. Only a Constitutional Amendment, containing language specific to such a suicidal re-imagining, can change that…none have!


  3. To jog those memories in need of it:

    U.S. Constitution
    Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

    No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

    Being a Natural Born Citizen is a permanent, on-going requirement. Allowing a normal Citizen of the United States, i.e., today that would be those Naturalized, was a one-time allowance at the time of the Constitution’s adoption.


  4. Anony,

    Who said anything about a need for parents to be Natural Born Citizens in order for their child to be so? Under the U.S. Constitution, as of the date of it’s adoption, a Natural Born Citizen is someone whose parents were U.S. Citizens prior to that child’s birth…it was widely understood that the child also had to be physically born within the United States, a qualifying factor which has become somewhat obfuscated, if not outright abused. The Founders drew this directly from extant English Common Law for deriving Presidential qualifications. That legal definition was well understood, across nations, not just our own…they clearly discussed the topic in numerous pre and post Constitutional documents, letters, and legal proceedings. Unfortunately, for us and our Republic, our Founders failed to fully envision the utter ignorance of history to be attained by general posterity.

    Another thing to pop that cranial cork, under that same English Common Law, citizenship was a patriarchal transference, not from both parents. I am not too certain just how tightly our new nation hewed to that, but, of course with the enfranchisement of U.S. women through the 19th Amendment, that part of U.S. landscape changed, rather dynamically. By logical extrapolation, however, it legally meant that both parents must subsequently be U.S. Citizens in order for their child to be a Natural Born Citizen…but that little reality has only been afforded a shallow wink and a nod, at best…after all, the 1920-30s were more focused on the Depression, Dustbowl, government growth, and the rise of Constitutional Amendment-induced unintended consequences of organized crime. Not to mention a looming global conflict to prove ‘The War to End all Wars’ for the lie it was from the moment of utterance. After the dust all settled in 1946, nobody really cared, if they even remembered…the modern model for public education was by then well-ensconced, and on its way to a brave new world.


  5. The Constitution is no longer the foundation of our Republic.
    Bush Jr. said it was just a G-d Damn piece of Paper.
    The Demoncrats twisted all of it to fit their needs.
    Barry Soetoro shredded it to pieces.
    Nikki Haley ignores the provisions and no one is standing up and telling her to Fuck Off

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