No, Thomas Jefferson was NOT the First President to Hold an ‘Iftar Dinner’ – IOTW Report

No, Thomas Jefferson was NOT the First President to Hold an ‘Iftar Dinner’

Publius’ Forum: Every year he’s been in office, President Obama has hosted an “Iftar dinner” to honor Islam in the White House. Except for the last two years, the President has also led his speech with the outlandish nonsense that in 1805 Thomas Jefferson held the “first Iftar dinner” in the White House. And every time it’s been utter hogwash.

For the 2012 Iftar dinner celebration, for instance, Obama said the following:

As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia — perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress — the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that’s a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam — like so many faiths — is part of our national story.

The reference to Jefferson’s so-called Iftar dinner in the 2012 speech was at least a step closer to reality than in the past when he was less equivocal. In 2010, for instance, Obama said straight out Jefferson’s was the first Iftar dinner.  more

17 Comments on No, Thomas Jefferson was NOT the First President to Hold an ‘Iftar Dinner’

  1. Waiting patiently for the day when Trump brings the Febreze to the WH and kicks the sham imam and his stinky iftard picnic to the curb on Pennsylvania Avenue.

  2. Iftar dinner my rear end. The meeting was to demand information on the Barbary pirates. Jefferson conducted a little war against Moslem supremacists from Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis, and Algiers. He knew Pisslam for the violent death cult it was and is.
    Funny how Obozo left that out of his BS speech.

  3. low rent butt licking crap weasel. Needs to have that imams cucumber shoved up his ass so far he spits cucumber seeds for weeks. Then sew the ass shut.

    I will be one happy dude when i find out i’ve outlived him.

  4. Jefferson hung a Koran in the outhouse to wipe his azz because it wasn’t until 1896 when SEARS published its first fat catalog.

    “Moslems were a big part of the founding of America”

  5. Jefferson sent the Marines to kick Muslim butt and stop their pirate raids on US ships. “…to the shores of Tripoli..” didn’t come about by bowing to 7th century barbarism. Che-bama could have learned from Jefferson, but only if Jefferson had gotten to him before Che-bama’s lifelong communist training session had begun.

  6. Our first war after the revolution was with the Muslims under Jefferson. The Barbary Pirates – Muslims out of Tripoli – were attacking US (and other) ships in the Mediterranean and enslaving the crews unless they were paid ransom.

    Jefferson and Adams decided they would have none of it. They were clear eyed that Muslims could not be negotiated with because their Koran tells them to kill infidels and that lying to an infidel is necessary. This is what they communicated to the Continental Congress – probably after that dinner with their representative that Obama calls Iftar.

  7. I have my beefs with Mark Levin regarding his treatment of Donald Trump, but last night on Levintv, Mark interviewed Dr.Zuhdi Jasser, an American Muslim fighting against radical islam. It is well worth the hour or so if you can find it. It was an uninterrupted conversation along the lines of Firing Line with WFB. A breath of fresh air and very informative.

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