No, We Don’t Need Federal Homeschooling Standards – IOTW Report

No, We Don’t Need Federal Homeschooling Standards

Kerry McDonald
Some of you may remember that four years ago this week I debated Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Bartholet who called for a “presumptive ban” on homeschooling. The online event was hosted by the Cato Institute and drew thousands of participants, including many homeschooling families who were incensed by Bartholet’s proposal.

Now, Scientific American is joining the crowd of busybodies eager to constrain a family’s right to raise and educate their children how they choose. “The federal government must develop basic standards for safety and quality of education in home­school­ing across the country,” read a recent editorial in the magazine.

Beyond the obvious point that there is no constitutional role for the federal government in education, the proposal for top-down, national mandates on homeschoolers assumes that the government knows best when it comes to education. Yet, the vast majority of school founders I interview are former public school teachers who grew so disillusioned with the rigidity, standardization, and coercion of government-run schooling that they left to create their own schools and spaces.  more

20 Comments on No, We Don’t Need Federal Homeschooling Standards

  1. The cornered rat is getting desperate. Much like the destruction of gifted education to protect the feelings of the average or subpar, the worthless government monopoly day prison system can’t handle how great a job unlicensed, un-government-indoctrinated parent teachers are doing. Of course they have to do something to destroy homeschooling if they can. They KNOW they can’t make government schools better, so they have to make homeschools worse.

  2. When I see what the National Socialist Party is doing to schools now, I can only imagine what kind of a totalitarian nightmare they intend for Home Schooling! They think-have even stated that they own our kids and thus US! NO WAY!!

  3. How come no one gets this?

    Communists WON’T leave you alone.

    Communists CAN’T leave you alone.

    If ONE person has ONE idea that didnt come from the Government, others might follow, and that persons idea will be in conflict with the Governments and so MUST be made an example of lest EVERYONE starts thinking they can have their own ideas.

    Totalitarianism’s root is TOTAL, as in TOTAL CONTROL.

    Absolutely NO outliers are permissible.

    And when they cant win on ideas, they INEVITABLY resort to force.

    See the entire bloody history of Communism for further details…

  4. No, We Don’t Need Federal Homeschooling Standards

    Quite the opposite. Home schooling needs to teach kids standards on limiting feddle interference with individual liberty.

  5. This is what conceding good intentions to subhuman pieces of shit progressive/Marxist/Satanists leads to every single time. Anyone who doesn’t actively oppose everything and anything they advocate for is 100% complicit and given that they have been out and proud about who they follow and what they stand for since at least 2020, there is no excuse. Way past time to choose sides.

  6. I had a subscription to Scientific American back in the 70’s until they canned the PhD senior editor and put in some rum dumb kid with a phoney masters. The magazine went to shit and the articles were garbage.
    Scientific American has been unscientific and unamerican ever since. Even our local library has dropped them

  7. @Dumb Bunnies — I grew up with Scientific American always in the house. My father subscribed and during my “formative years” the two of us would read it and discuss the articles. Wonderful experience. And then I had the same experience as you. The owners sold out to Marxist European publishers and the mag has been a rotting pile of stinking pig guts ever since.

    I miss it a lot, especially John Gardner’s column and the Edmund Scientific ad page. My dad and I visited the Edmund store in Barrington NJ and it was like an old-fashioned hardware store but for science and gadget geeks. Good times!

  8. @Uncle Al SATURDAY, 22 JUNE 2024, 12:05 AT 12:05 PM
    From what I am seeing “Nature” magazine is going down also
    So sad to see science going politically correct!

  9. Oh sure. It would start with requiring portfolios to prove curriculum,then like every govt endeavor it would expand and eventually homeschooling would be part of public schools. I mean brainwashing centers.

  10. “Scientific” American, subordinate Science to following “Science” is their mission. Absolutely nothing the progressive/Marxist/Satanists touch that isn’t a lie.

  11. The same thing happened to National Geographic as what’s happening now with Scientific American since they got woke and full of politically correct bs that has nothing to do with geography or science. I used to read both all the time growing up and now I wouldn’t believe a word that they say about anything. I’m sure American Heritage magazine has also gone woke now too. I hate the left and their commie agenda of hating everything good about America.

  12. Just make the standard “achieves same result as average inner city student” Then anything and anyone can meet that standard. A self taught ten year white kid can do better

    And his or her motivation would be “if you screw around, well send you back to a public school”

  13. There is no reason to allow an entity that has no standards, set standards for us.

    If you want your children educated according to federal standards there are already indoctrination centers established for them. The very idea of home schooling is to educate your children according to your standards.

    I’m the product of a one room country school with eight grades in one room with one teacher. What I’d like to see is parents establishing small local schools in their neighborhoods for at least the first four grades. A huge multi million dollar school isn’t a requirement, in fact IMHO it’s a hindrance. Reading, writing and arithmetic are the basis for a good education and they could be taught in a heated garage with bathroom facilities with the parents of students attending rotating as teachers.

  14. The federal government, Department of Education, NEA and AFSME can do to Home Schooling what they’ve done to Community Public Schools.
    Destroy real education, School choice and parental rights.


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