No we’re not scared; we’re loving every minute of this – IOTW Report

No we’re not scared; we’re loving every minute of this

Patriot Retort: I mentioned on Friday that I’m watching this slobbering media coverage over Socialist House candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and I can’t stop grinning from ear to ear.

And can you blame me?

Americans like me have wished the Democrats would drop their façade and reveal their true face for years.

Now thanks to the election of Donald Trump, they’re doing just that.

And Americans who had been hoodwinked by the Democrat Party are now seeing their true face.

Black Americans are waking up to the fact that the party they’d been bamboozled into supporting doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them.

Naturalized Americans who obeyed the law and emigrated legally are watching the Democrat Party move heaven and earth to support non-citizens in the country illegally.

Working class Americans who thought the Democrat Party stood with them are watching as the Dems toss them aside like a used condom.

And every American who fled socialism watch in horror as the Democrat Party openly embraces it.

There’s a reason the #WalkAway movement is gaining traction.

And it’s all thanks to the radical extremist positions currently advanced by the Democrats.

But then there are the Leftists who for some reason are blissfully ignorant to just how much damage they’re doing to the Democrat Party’s electoral prospects.  MORE

7 Comments on No we’re not scared; we’re loving every minute of this

  1. Democrats are playing a numbers game, quietly sometimes LOUDLY revealing themselves and playing American Roulette at the same time…again. Like last time.


  2. Over the past few days, we’re beginning to hear of a new demoscat plan to abolish prisons. What a novel and revolutionary idea!
    All I can add to that, is that if you vote for them, you will find yourself living in one.

  3. Their Trumpaphobia has made them
    foaming at the mouth insane and
    they are radiating their America
    Hate for all to see.
    I believe that we’re seeing God’s
    hand move here.

  4. scared ?

    scared of what ?

    heck they need safe spaces or rooms to handle or avoid the littlest diversity in thought.

    what’s there to be scared of ?

    oh that’s right, some wacko leftist judge siding with them in some stupid lawsuit over something you said they didn’t like.

    like the truth.

    in the end it’s all about hiding the truth.

  5. There is more to what Dianny is pointing out about the D’s showing their true colors. A lot of RINO’s are being seen for what they are. The republicans have treated us just like the democrats treat certain voting blocks. With disdain and contempt, but boy, did they want our vote.
    Looks like America is banding together to help Trump drain the swamp.


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