No Wonder WaPo Hid Obama’s Red Mentor – IOTW Report

No Wonder WaPo Hid Obama’s Red Mentor

American Thinker: In August 2008, back when it mattered, the Washington Post ran a 10,000-word article by its Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter David Maraniss titled, “Though Obama Had to Leave to Find Himself, It Is Hawaii That Made His Rise Possible.” For reasons that will soon become clear, Maraniss should have excused himself from this assignment once he discovered the identity of the man in Hawaii who made that rise possible.

Barack Obama referred to this man in his 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father,as “Frank.” If there was any mystery to Frank’s identity, Gerald Horne, a leftist scholar from the University of Houston, dispelled it in a March 2007 speech. Horne identified “Frank” as “an African-American poet and journalist by the name of Frank Marshall Davis.”

Davis, Horne acknowledged, “was certainly in the orbit of the CP – if not a member.” Horne was pulling his punches. “Here are the facts and they are indisputable,” wrote historian Paul Kengor in his insightful 2012 book, The Communist — Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor. “Frank Marshall Davis was a pro-Soviet, pro-Red China, card-carrying member of Communist Party (CPUSA).  His Communist Party card number was 47544.”

As Kengor observed, Obama dedicated 2500 words in Dreams to Davis, who “surfaces repeatedly from start to finish, from Hawaii to Los Angeles to Chicago to Germany to Kenya… from the 1970s to the 1980s to the 1990s.” Indeed, the two were sufficiently close that the young Obama wrote two poems about Davis — a story I broke in February 2010 — and Davis appears to have written one poem about Obama. I should add that in addition to being a card-carrying communist, Davis was a bisexual pornographer with at least a fictional taste for sex with minors.

Horne did not deny Davis’s influence; he called it “decisive.” In fact, Horne implied that Obama “decamped to Chicago” as a way of “retracing the steps of Davis.” The Davis name had lingering resonance in Chicago, Davis’ adopted city. When Obama first arrived there in 1985, the city’s most influential columnist was Davis protégé Vernon Jarrett. His daughter-in-law Valerie emerged, of course, as Obama’s closest adviser.

The Davis-Obama relationship should have mattered. It did to Horne. Said Horne in the conclusion of his 2007 speech, “At some point in the future, a teacher will add to her syllabus Barack’s memoir and instruct her students to read it alongside Frank Marshall Davis’ equally affecting memoir, ‘Living the Blues.’” That future would have to wait at least until after Obama was elected and reelected. Until then, it was all quiet on the mainstream front.  more here


See Also:  From 2012-


Striking resemblance to children of communist Frank Marshall Davis


16 Comments on No Wonder WaPo Hid Obama’s Red Mentor

  1. America barely survived that mother fucker snd his sleepless flying monkeys. Pure evil nearly destroyed our underpinnings as a society. Is the america that Obama left behind better than he found it?

    Certainly not.

  2. Who gives a shit now? We beat drums from mountain tops about Obama and his commie-muzzie ties both past and present but nobody cared, period. Nothing and I mean nothing will be done about the utter devastation that this blue-gummer did to the country both financially & socially. If there are people that visit this site that have a terminal disease, you could go out in a blaze of glorious retribution by putting a bullet in Bill Ayers and his wife’s head as well as multiple people from the MSM. That is going to be the only justice we’ll get in regards to Obama.

  3. Does it really matter anymore? 20 or so years from now, when I’m Long Gone, you’ll be finding out the truth about Benghazi, Russian Collusion, the coup against President Trump, The Clinton Foundation, and who the fuck killed Cock Robin. Our media are our enemy. But all we have is a vote.
    “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadiquate in the government of any other.” John Adams 1798.
    How right he was.

  4. Moe Tom (and others) — Do be of good cheer regarding all this. Too much to write it all out, but POTUS Trump knows all about obama and is doing everything he can — and I mean everything — to return America to her Constitutional Republic roots.

    Keep your chin up! Don’t give in to your fears. We’ll need all hands on deck in a few short months.

  5. @Anonymous May 16, 2019 at 10:02 pm

    > We beat drums from mountain tops about Obama and his commie-muzzie ties both past and present but nobody cared

    No. They noticed. They cared. Deeply. That is WHY they voted for him. And after proving the claims were true, voted for him again. But, don’t worry patriotic citizen! We can all vote ourselves out of this mess.

  6. “When Obama first arrived there in 1985, the city’s most influential columnist was Davis protégé Vernon Jarrett. His daughter-in-law Valerie emerged, of course, as Obama’s closest adviser.”

    valerie jarrett is an iranian anchor baby

  7. Whoever ghost wrote for Berry sure knew all the sordid details of his “association” with FMD. He recalled fondly about liquored breath and underwear stains. It’s truly cringe worthy. Even his present day lover scarcely hides the lump bulging from his dresses.
    Because of his inner anger and contempt,this demented fag just about drove this country into the ground.

  8. The Post is anti America. Post has been anti America for at least 70 years! I figured out the Post was a KGB “news” publisher in ’48. I did not know what the KGB was until ’55; but it was plain the Post hated America and put out lies to smear Americans, Or in this case to protect liberals.

  9. I’ve said all along; the problem with the birth certificate isn’t where he was born, it who his father is. It was important enough that when granny died at the height of his first campaign he had to make an emergency trip to Hawaii, not for the funeral, but to retrieve the family Bible, where it was documented.

  10. Obola is a symptom – not a cause.
    The Clintons, Pelosis, Waters, O’Cortezs, Bidens, Schumers, de Blasios, Buttigiegs, other assorted corrupt-o-crats and perverts, and Obolas are symptomatic of a much deeper disease.

    President Trump cannot right the Ship of State without a crew of honest, trustworthy, indefatigable men and women who are willing to sacrifice on behalf of the country. And sacrifice is little in our lexicon.

    The corrupt klowns should be derided and ridiculed out of (public) existence, but, because of 100 years of public mal-education and the complete abdication of the medias’ raison d’être, we wallow in a self-imposed morass of deceit – drowning in mediocrity and dissimulation. We no longer recognize freaks and are afraid to be “judgmental” about the thieves and liars who strive to destroy civilization.

    izlamo delenda est …


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