NOAA debunks assertions that global warming has spurred more hurricanes – IOTW Report

NOAA debunks assertions that global warming has spurred more hurricanes

American Thinker:

If your liver is hearty enough, you could play a drinking game over the rest of the holiday weekend, quaffing a shot of your favorite spirits every time you hear global warming mentioned in connection with the approach of Hurricane Dorian. Just don’t plan on getting behind the wheel until at least Tuesday.

The basic strategy of the Left pushing state control of all energy usage as a means to total power is to blame any inclement weather on the carbon dioxide emissions that make the earth greener with more vegetation. Any weather event that inflicts mayhem on humans is fair game for exploitation in their eyes.

In the face of this, kudos to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for debunking the claims that hurricanes are becoming more frequent due to CO2-caused global warming. The wording is highly understated, and buried in the middle of a very long report, but here they are:

it is premature to conclude with high confidence that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on hurricane activity.  more here

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