NOAA/NWS document: wind turbines affect weather radar, create false storm impressions – IOTW Report

NOAA/NWS document: wind turbines affect weather radar, create false storm impressions

WUWT: From the Watertown Daily News, and the “law of unintended consequences” department comes an inconvenient truth from the National Weather Service, that upon further investigation appears to be a nationwide problem for the WSR-88D doppler weather radar network used to predict, track, and analyze severe weather. According to NOAA’s Radar operations center, forecasters are faced with “little or no workaround”.

Part of the reason is that the WSR-88D national deployment in the early to mid 1990’s preceded the mass deployment of wind turbines to provide “green energy”. They had no way of knowing then that their field of view would be polluted by an army of rotating blades.  MORE

8 Comments on NOAA/NWS document: wind turbines affect weather radar, create false storm impressions

  1. NOAA Idea…

    I check several Weather Sites in the Morning….and NOAA always

    says the Wind is Light and Variable in the Keys…

    Everybody else is issuing Small Craft Warnings…

    A while back during the Gov’t Shutdown, They had a huge

    Banner across the top of the page…Saying that even though

    The G was down..They would continue unpaid…Because People

    lives depended on them….Um….We got Windows Bitch

    We can look outside.

  2. And now that Holsteins have been replaced with copious pastures of solar panels in Vermont – massive jet black heat sinks – makes ya wonder how that effects regional thunder boomer progression ….

  3. what a great idea. Build feel good energy sources with a negative ROI that disrupts billions of dollars of weather radar.

    Sounds like pre-Trump era government.

  4. Those massive Wind Farms not only cause micro-climate man-made weather change, which affects the Earth and everyone within a few hundred miles, but now we find they interfere with other even more important Gov’t Early Warning Radar.
    This sounds like the F.C.C. should get involved to regulate that. It is Frequency interference, like a giant Radar Jammer. And Radar Jammers are illegal for us citizens, why is it legal for shady eco-corps? The answer is… It is not. Stop them with a joint Federal Injunction initiated by the EPA and FCC.

  5. Wind Farms interfere with our national missle defense early warning radar. Try tracking an inbound with all that chaff these farms create. It’s like a human eye aiming a long way with electro heat waves dancing like Northern Lights in your Field of View.
    Should be cause for a national alarm and outcry.
    Unintended consequences bite ya in the ass.

  6. I disagree. Those giant turbine fans are worth every kilowatt of electricity it takes
    to run them. Can you imagine how much worse global warming would be if it wasn’t
    for the beneficial cooling effect of all the wind farms?

    Oh, wait —


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