Nobody is Talking about Chelsea Clinton’s New Book – IOTW Report

Nobody is Talking about Chelsea Clinton’s New Book

Heat st: Last week a new book was published co-written by Chelsea Clinton and entitled Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why?

Almost no one is buying the Clinton title, co-authored by Devi Sridhar, a Global Public Health Professor at the University of Edinburgh.  It currently stands at No. 74,374 on the Amazon Bestsellers Chart.

The book profiles global health organizations and the work they do. Chelsea is Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation which prioritizes improving global health.

Published by Oxford University Press, the book is well-intentioned but bland in the extreme. And there is no answer given to the question “Who Runs the World and Why?”

Chelsea does however extensively eulogize Bill and Melinda Gates whose foundation has frequently partnered with the Clinton Foundation and substantially donated to various Clinton’s initiatives. “It is clear that the Gates Foundation has played a vital role in global health and can aptly claim credit for saving untold lives,” Chelsea observes.

When most people publish books, they want to shout about their opus from the rooftops to anyone that will listen. But the Clintons are different than you and I. A book for them amounts to an exercise in strategy rather than an opportunity to inform the reading public.  read more

34 Comments on Nobody is Talking about Chelsea Clinton’s New Book

  1. PhDoctor Chulsuh, here’s a suggestion for global health:


    It’s one of thos hard choices we have to make, but we are not stronger together with Tuberculosis and Ebola.

  2. 5.0 out of 5 starsBetter than pepper spray.

    I gave this away as a gift to someone that I never want to see or talk to again (Stage 5 Clinger), but I didn’t want to tell them upfront and seem rude on Valentines day, so I picked up a copy of this at my local bookstore and had them wrap it up with really nice paper.

    The expression on their face of disappointment when they unwrapped the gift probably ensures they’ll never bother me again. They used to text me several times a day, now? Nothing! Perfect!

    LOL…she’s taking a beating so far on Amazon

  3. When you don’t have colleges assigning it for a class requirement and the State Dept. shipping them to other countries by the hundreds books sales tend to suffer.

    I also do not think it is well known that the secret service used to sneak into people’s homes at night and cut two inches off one table leg and slide “hard choices” under the leg to prop up those book sales. Each agent was given a daily quota of 20 books that ads up after awhile.

  4. When the website refreshed after that last comment the pop up ad was an add for dining room tables.

    That is a relief though because it had been female pee proof undergarments ever since I commented on the chastity belt undergarment post last week.

  5. Just for fun, I checked the rank to see if this article helped sales.

    Nope. Currently ranks at 111,401, for a decline of 37,027 since this article was written.

    Also, the “Look inside” feature on Amazon usually lets you read the first 5-10 pages of the book. On this stupid book the “look inside” allows you to read the entire book. No purchase required.

  6. Soooooo … what was the advance on this?
    Did she get it, or did the “professor,” or did they split it?

    Sounds like some sort of payoff that was never meant to sell.
    But I couldn’t find details of the advance – so I could be wrong.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I bought a used copy on Amazon, and the dirty SOB who sold it to me never said it had already been colored in. Besides not staying inside the lines, the previous owner used cheap crayons, which have smeared on facing pages.

    From my Amazon review:

    “Definitely not worth the $2.95 price (that’s 29-cents a page!). It was printed on reused HRC campaign fliers (lots of blank space) and the scratch and sniff ebola pics were a deal-breaker. I only gave is half-star rating because’ I put it in front of the cat box, and it keeps my terrier from digging for treats.”

  8. “It is clear that the Gates Foundation has played a vital role in global health and can aptly claim credit for saving untold lives,”

    Because health care is all sciency. And stuff. And math is hard. Right, Al Gore?

  9. I’d suggest the book was there to pad her resume in preparation for a run at Congress. The sales are in the toilet because the Clinton Foundation is hoarding whatever cash they have left and can’t afford to buy 100,000 copies then pay for them to get buried in some New Jersey landfill.

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